Suggestion: Deconstruct, Dismantle & Disenchant Gear


The option to turn weapons and armors into recipes

A player would visit the relevant vendor to deconstruct the associated weapons or armor. i.e. metal items would be deconstructed at the blacksmith.

This would make specific weapons and armor more readily available. Especially relevant if enchanting stays randomized. Becomes less meaningful the more enchanting becomes customizable and redo-able.


The option to turn weapons and armors into crafting components.

A player would visit the relevant vendor to dismantle the associated weapons or armor. i.e. wooden items would be dismantled at the carpenter.

This would make crafting weapons and armor easier. Sometimes we are limited by chest respawns and RNG. This gives players the potential to decide between selling an item or dismantling it for rare materials. Dismantling gear would yield a fraction of it would cost to craft the item. Higher tier gear yields more rare materials.


The option to turn weapons and armors into enchanting materials.

A player would visit the enchantress to disenchant blue and purple items for enchanting components such as chipped gems. And maybe other relevant items in the future.

Blue and purple items that are found don’t really serve a purpose right now since the stats are too random.

Enchanting is very bare bones right now, I understand it is EA. But, it is nevertheless frustrating with the amount of randomization and lack of customization.

Closing Words

Adding various options besides selling unwanted gear gives players more decision making with what to do with gear. It also gives players more options and interactions with crafting. It lessens farming time which shaves off potential player frustrations.

Other relevant topics

My ideal take on enchanting: Enchanting Reworked, Vampire Survivors Inspired Enchanting

Other suggestions with regards to Deconstructing, Dismantling and Disenchanting Gear:

If there are more, link them and I will add them to the above list.

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It is really funny with us… in one post we hate each others opinion to the guts, and in the others everything is rainbow sunshine.

A little bit like with the Targaryens and the coin. :wink:

  • Deconstruct
    agree, maybe you need ~5-10 items until you have it.
  • Dismantle
    yes, and maybe also allow removing runes/gems, or overwrite
  • Disenchant
    yes, however i would keep gold as the currency

I agree on dismantling I think more blueprints is always a good thing


I’m completely against the idea of dismantling. They specifically said they’re iffy on because their original vision is that you have to interact/grind the environment to get the materials you need. If you can get the material just from fighting it will defeat that purpose. This affects the gameplay loop too much IMO.

Even disenchant/enchanting isn’t as barebones as people make it out to be it’s perfectly fine to get a dud you have/want to sell. I do think making it possible to get gems is a decent idea but it should be costly, more costly than enchanting is since you control what you get.

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Valid points.
The first is something that can be approached by the correct balancing, maybe. And the second, via the price.

Just to clarify since you make an implication about me.

I am actively ignoring you, and don’t respond to any of your arguments do to your past and present behavior with myself and others.

I don’t hate you or your opinions, you are free to have them and argue for them.

But, I dislike how you behave in a disingenuous manner when presenting your arguments or when responding to another person. It shows a lack of respect for someone else, yet, you demand that same respect when others interact with you. I dislike the hypocrisy in that.

Edit: spelling.

Edit 2: proverb 18:2 applies, hence why I won’t respond.

I can see your point with gaining resources from dismantling. It should co-exist with farming the environment, as an added bonus. It shouldn’t make farming previous regions obsolete.

I’ll be completely honest in terms of enchanting. If it stays this random with the same amount of white gear scarcity. I actually don’t see myself playing the game. I do think we will get changes to enchanting, there is a crafting table. And the gems say that they are chipped gems. So this leads me to believe there will be something like ‘‘polished gems’’. Something similar to iron ore → iron ingot.

I will say that being able to craft alleviates some enchanting issues but not all, and I don’t want to go too much off topic :joy:

Edit: spelling.

I mean it’s an ARPG the random enchanting just makes sense to me. Some modification could be nice but I do not want to be able to control the enchanting in any way other than rerolling. I fundamentally disagree with the design that you can just keep tinkering with something until it’s a literal perfect weapon in ARPGs I think having weird tradeoffs & compromises is what makes buildcrafting fun in these games. I don’t want it to be Fromsoft where you take the starter longsword all the way to endgame.

I agree there’s definitely more affix mechanics but the polished gems might not be what you’re thinking of. They might just have stronger modifiers like 30-50% dmg extra as heat/lightning/ice/plague damage instead of the current 5-30%

Hmm, I dont want to be that guy who holds up the mirror… but…

Oh wait… actually yes, i want to be that guy…
The difference between us, my friend, is that I dont make a secret about it. Come to the dark side, we have cookies. :cookie:

I agree with random enchanting as a base.

In the future we will get more affixes, so I would like a way to influence the affixes. Personally I’d like it if we could like sacrifice rubies on random enchanting to have a higher chance on rolling Heat based enchants for example. I wanna tinker with stuff but not to the point where there is too much customization.

But, back to the topic. For me one of the most important thing is the ability to clear the game with looking a certain way. I don’t want transmog but the ability to make my favorite gear viable. When I first played Titan Quest as a kid I wanted the same armor like the guy on the physical copy; the Theban armor set. I farmed for 100’s of hours untill I got it. Now I have less time, but, I still wan’t to clear the game looking the why I want to look. Enchanting for me is too random and certain white items don’t drop as frequently. Those are my 2 biggest issues.

I Agree. I was so happy getting all the tusks and silver i need for ash daggers, then enchanting ruined them.

I also want the coral spear, but i won’t craft and enchant it, since i am sure, it will be trash after enchant as well. Its just too costly and too risky. I like some sort of randomness, especially with drops, but for crafting and enchanting i wish for a bit more control. Just a bit, not 100%.

Let me influence 1 out of 4 stats by using gems, so my item is not fully useless.