Crafting is pretty bad

I’m not sure if crafting just feels useless now in the early access and will get better, or if it’s just horribly balanced but it feels terrible now. There doesn’t seem to be any reason to engage with the crafting systems at the moment. Crafting recipes are very rare drops, when you do find them every crafting recipe requires a ton of materials from animals, most of the materials it asks for are extremely rare (one wants 6 stag hoofs, I’ve only found 2 stag hoofs in 45 hours of play), once you craft the item it is no different than any other looted item of the same type and tier, it still needs to be enchanted which is more often than not going to ruin the item anyway. Crafting just doesn’t feel worth engaging with in it’s current state. Either crafted items need to have a higher chance to have more favorable rolls at the enchanter, they need to be inherently better in some way than any old dropped loot (crafted items don’t lose gem and rune slots when enchanted maybe?) or they need to be easier to make so you have another option for getting specific pieces of gear. Maybe a combination of all 3.


yeah crafting is useless right now, most materials you collect are just meaningless, either for your build or for anything in general (like granite)

It clearly is a placeholder that needs to be fleshed out. Right now it simply represents a general direction they’re aiming for…

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yep, agree, happened to me, i was aiming at one of the blacksmith armor that looked cool, could only get the helmet and i was already in tier 3, and still lack materials after 50hours in XD …

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i am also in agreement. i feel like crafting is super expensive and when it comes to gear, a bad roll on enchantments make it a throwaway item even tho you grinded for hours to collect the material and spent silver coins to enchant.

maybe make crafted items rare or unique. When we get a talent tree, i could see a “weapon smith” talent, that would make crafting consume less materials and automatically make the item worth it by adding some nice passives like with enchanting.

Yeah, I pretty much feel the same. I havent crafting a single thing since I started playing after over 100+ hours. Only cooked. With the sole exception of the Fallen Sky weapon.

I feel like thats the same story for most things in this game right now. It seems like a lot of things are currently in the game, but they are mostly placeholders, because what you actually need for them isnt even in the game yet. Kind of like how theres a scribe table in Elanors shop, but we cant even do anything with it yet.

I honestly would have hoped that crafting would offer better results to actually incentive doing it. Especially since everything costs so much material, and those materials are very hard to come by at this state of the game.

I think the problems with (non-cooking) crafting come down to 3 things:

  1. The crafting recipes are absurdly rare. Other than the stuff sold in shops, I think I’ve found 3 of them as drops in 52 hours of play, and one of those was for a chair rather than useful equipment.

  2. Once you have the recipe, the materials for them are also absurdly rare- There’s a sword called Cronos- you can buy the crafting recipe from the enchanter. It requires 10 boar tusks to make. In those same 52 hours of play, I’ve found four. The same goes for stuff like Stag Hooves and such. No idea why they’re such a pain to get.

  3. This is more a problem with the Enchanting/Infusing system than crafting, but it interacts with crafting in a bad way- enchantments are 100% random, and you always have the possibility of several weak rolls when infusing items, and there’s no way to fix this problem once it happens short of getting a completely new item.
    So you can go through all of the work to craft something, then have it become vendor trash because of a bad enchantment roll.

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Exactly this. I hope we get some addition to enchanting, like we have in other games. I mean keep the 1 silver coin for 100% random rolls, but please let us invest some more resources for example gems, to influence the outcome. Like give 3 red gems and get 1 out of 4 rolls to be one of the HP/Heal buffs).