I question the choice of random drops

I dislike the idea of adding specific drops. Dragons Dogma had this and it lead to people rushing to specific areas to grab a specific weapon ignoring all the other content.

Now, I do agree that we need white gear to be more readily available and less random. I would make crafting more widely available for those items by giving players the option to ‘deconstruct’ an item and gain the recipe for the item.

Even with static drops, or a mixture between static and random, enchanting is still 100% random; except for using gems etc. We could use an item gained from a static drop and still mess up with enchanting. Of course enchanting is also way too random.

Conclusion: Make white gear more readily available through recipes and more customization when enchanting with less randomness.

If you are interested I have made a post on the whole ‘deconstructing’ and more: