Suggestion: Deconstruct, Dismantle & Disenchant Gear

I agree with random enchanting as a base.

In the future we will get more affixes, so I would like a way to influence the affixes. Personally I’d like it if we could like sacrifice rubies on random enchanting to have a higher chance on rolling Heat based enchants for example. I wanna tinker with stuff but not to the point where there is too much customization.

But, back to the topic. For me one of the most important thing is the ability to clear the game with looking a certain way. I don’t want transmog but the ability to make my favorite gear viable. When I first played Titan Quest as a kid I wanted the same armor like the guy on the physical copy; the Theban armor set. I farmed for 100’s of hours untill I got it. Now I have less time, but, I still wan’t to clear the game looking the why I want to look. Enchanting for me is too random and certain white items don’t drop as frequently. Those are my 2 biggest issues.

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