That topic is a sore spot for me as well… Thank you for sharing! 
All I ever seriously used in all my three playthroughs was enchanted gear, bought from a vendor. Which says a lot about the state gearing RNG is at currently. If you are anywhere close to interested in playing a targeted build, it is abyssmal.
RNG in drops needs to go down and RNG in crafting needs to go down.
I like the idea of target farming. It rewards knowledge and gives you clear goals for a playthrough. Guaranteed drops are a bit much though, at least for this style of game.
When it comes to Recipes - Basically agree 100% with @RomoloHero there. Target farming recipes could be a good middleground.
Base Stats
The inherent variance in Gear Stats (weight, dmg/armor), is a feature I don’t like at all. Why do I have to buy/craft/drop 20 white items with the same name to get 3 with a good base result? At least make it balanced (more dmg = more weight). Even then, the identity of the item gets lost, especially when it is not a weapon, that comes with a unique Moveset. The Base Stats of gear should be reliable.
Both, enchanting and gems feel awful. Enchanting is the lottery and gems are Blackjack. Sorry for ranting, but I would like to play the game with a playstyle i enjoy, without being forced to gamble to this extend.
It is okay to have high highs, but a much more reliable baseline when it comes to crafting would be great.
There are a lot of ways to introduce this:
Reducing the range of affixes, Rerolling specific Affixes, Rerolling while locking specific Affixes, directly choosing Pools of Affixes or specific Affixes, Custom Items with lower Numbers, transferring Affixes between items, block out Affixes you don’t want, …
And a lot of ways to enable them in a fair way:
Pay enough money, build up Crafting Mastery, Upgrade shops, gather Recipes, gather the right Base Materials, collect extra Materials, collecting other Items with the right Affixes, well communicated pity system, collectable Affix shards, …
Luckily, we are still at the start of this journey. I have faith gearing will improve in time! Still, feedback is important.