The problem i see with attack runes : Vast dynamic movesets VS Spamming one button

true! but that also does not really fit in this game imo. we are not fighting huge monsters, where each fight lasts several minutes and attacking body parts matters.

we are fighting through maps with (more or less) map specific mobs until we reach the area boss, much like in the dark souls games for example.

the fundamental issue with the one sided combat is, that 1 thing works against everything. it does not matter if u fight enemy type A or B or if you fight in the rain or in a sewer type map which has lots of poison.

to promote variety, different attack styles and runes to use there has to be some sort of incentive and/or some sort of “wall” that prevents using fire (again an example) against everything.

a lot of current “issues” play a part here. Sorry for all the people who do not want to read a lot of text, but i will try to list what in my personal opinion is part of the issue and how to address is:

  1. enchantments:

as said for example here: Enchanting Reworked, Vampire Survivors Inspired Enchanting

or here: I question the choice of random drops - #4 by Chemile0n

there are several issues with hoe enchantments work and benefit different builds:

  • enchantments are fully random, no way to influence them. so give us a solution to influence 1 out of 4 affixes by for example using gems to influence the outcome. use x red gems to increase chance to get fire dmg on weapon or health leech on armor. → less items that are instantly re sold and more focussed enchanting towards a specific goal

  • some enchantments seem to be favored over others, creating a meta leaning towards one direction: "on Parry" enchantment roll frequency on 2-hand weapons

  1. crafting:

as said in many thread about crafting, it is currently too expensive and has no benefit.

so why not:

  • give us a skill to influence how good or bad a hand crafted weapon is:
    I question the choice of random drops

  • make crafting reasonably expensive. so in essence cheaper. investing 10 silver bars just to get a white weapon that is later enchanted and thrown away because of point 1. is not reasonable.

  1. runes
  • right now we can not decide which runes we want to remove from a weapon when enchanting it, it always removes the bottom 2. so we have less variety in the outcome

  • we can remove runes from weapons and destroy the weapon, but we can not remove the rune and keep the weapon, to slot another rune in it.

  1. character attributes: stamina, focus, health etc.
  • right now it honestly does not matter if we have skilled HP/stamina etc. with the ridiculous amount of HP or stamina or focus u get back from item affixes, we do not ever need to worry. it is currently calculated as gain x% of total focus on hit (for example). better would be x% of the dmg dealt is converted into focus/hp/stamina (whatever)
  1. Resistances, weaknesses, strength:
    all the points from my previous posts
  • right now it feels like they do not exist at all, and it does not matter what we use
  1. stealth being not as good as it should be
  1. potions are useless

as you can see, the problem is complex, but tweaking each screw just a little, might help. after all i think NRfTW does a LOT of things right. Exploration is fun, bossfights are cool, and even tho we have random loot we can still use a lot of synergies well, promoting different builds.

but in the end no matter how different the builds are they more or less play the same, on that one i agree.

again, sorry for this humongous post. i will get back to a few one liners now, as i used up my weekly word quota lol

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