I question the choice of random drops

I agree, we need some sort of influence on how we craft/enchant/infuse gear. Like I suggested before, it would be cool to for example use gems when enchanting a weapon to influence one out of the 4 random perks we get.

For example, use a red gem to get 1 affix to be a HP related affix like life leech or x% more hp for armor.

Or as also suggested in other threads, when crafting a recipe, (and when the skill tree is introduced), give us a skill like “blacksmith” that makes crafted gear higher quality. For example make it automatically blue, or give it a buff to its stats.

Or maybe (i know it could break balance or be hard to implement) give us another gear “tier” when crafting. Like green weapons, which are not as strong as blue or purple, but give 1 affix.

There are lots of ways, crafting can be made more rewarding, matching the time and effort put in to acquire the materials. That would also counter the pure randomness we have now. even tho i think this game does random drops right. In Nioh for example u can have so much bad luck, that a built you want to play is just impossible to get right.

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