Enchantment randomness doesn't feel great

Pretty much what the title says. It’d be nice to have a bit more control over how enchanting a piece of equipment works.

At a minimum, it’d be nice to have the option to choose if you want to enchant an item to blue or purple- I’ve had several very good items that dropped that ended up being vendor trash because the enchantment happened to come out purple with a very bad negative effect like -50% focus. Having to grind for another chest piece drop after the enchanter wrecks the one you finally did get does not feel good. (incidentally, it’s been my experience that very few purple items are worth using- most of the negatives seem so harsh they item isn’t really beneficial. I can’t think of a single piece of gear that would be worth losing half my focus, for example)

Personally, I think letting the player ‘re-roll’ enchantments by paying the enchantment cost again would also be pretty reasonable- it still keeps the current level of randomness, but it removes the potential to render a piece of gear useless to you, especially one that you can only get by grinding random drops.

I’d also actually love to see a system where you can ‘disenchant’ items to pull out one of their enchantments as an item that can be infused onto other gear as a way of actually customizing stuff instead of just having random rolls, but that would need to be balanced pretty carefully to avoid being brokenly powerful.


I would love the option to add targetet enchantments as well, maybe a bit more directly accessable than gems. The Strength could depend on the player level → Would smooth out the difficulty curve, so it does not depend as much on RNG drop/enchant highrolls. Of course in the lategame highrolls should still be better.

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Re-roll should be an option with enchantment and adding to crafting to give more options to players. With the current system it isn’t fun having to vendor 99.9% of the loot because of the enchantments.

Cursed gear is the only way to get some of the perks. Would be nice to have a way to get some of those perks for crafted stuff and then players would have more control over their builds.

Have an option to break down gear and get some crafting mats/perks

Completely agree, i wanted to make a post about it, so i join. In my case, it feels like a neverending story: I’m crafting an armor set from a recipe (Ranger Set), and to get stag hoofs, stag antlers and stag skull takes a lot of time!

Now after crafting it for so long, i would just looove to be able to have more control over what it will become, and gems don’t really make the cut, they are quite underwhelming without enchantment effects.

I already tried to enchant a gear that i bought 35 pieces of, and i only get between 1 and 2 interresting pieces… i can’t even imagine how many years i will need to play till i get my ranger set for an endgame level, i’ll just get tired of the game much before, no doubt… and saying that, i’m a very patient gamer, but that’s over my limit.

So i really hope something will be changed on this sense to make it more fair for players that are crafting their gear with hand.

Still love the game so far and i keep in mind that it’s EA :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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The issue with enchanting can be summed up in a single sentence:

Too much randomization, too little customization.

Blue’s and purple’s you find currently serve no purpose due to the randomness of the stats. At the minimum we should be able to change some affixes on the equipment.

If you would like to read a more in-depth rework of enchanting I did make a post about it here:


I haven’t enchanted (random) a single piece after the first 3 ruined attempts , halving the stats of certain things I need to survive in a hard game is kinda weird, the cursed ones is all I got 3 in a row.
Enchanting needs work 100%, I’m skipping it entirely and just infusing using gems for the moment.

The only way i use it right now is buying/crafting in bulk and hoping for highrolls of stats that i want… Or just to take a chance on a drop, again hoping for a highroll of stats that i want, but never on something i need.

Pure Slotmachine… Without the pity system :upside_down_face:
Throw money and a baseitem in it and pray.