Enchanting Love?

This is probably out in the universe already, figured I’s give it a shot.
When you enchant an item that has been socketed with gems what if the gems kind of dictated what rolls you receive on the gear? Instead of burning through countless amounts of armor trying to roll a perfect enchant for your build this lets you tailor different sets of armor for different scenarios giving the player more ways to play. I’m not a min/maxer by any means I just hate having to sell gear that looks great because an enchanting session ruined it. In my perfected world I’d have all kinds of gear for every occasion. If I wanted to run a dex build and was playing with friends and wanted to fire support from the backline, I could have a focus regeneration set of armor that was light weight and allowed me to cruise around the outskirts. However, if we get into a situation where the bow is no longer a wise option, and I want to move to some lightweight enchanted gear and wield a spear or nun chucks I can swap gear without getting one shot and having to re-spec. I think most players will fight to min/max this and it may happen sooner than the current way and it could break pvp for new players in the future but like all things it would have to be a balancing act.
Now I’m not saying everything has to be perfect because I do like the gamble of trying to enhance your gear, but it seems silly to me that all the gems you socket are lost when you enchant except for the first one.
I find it challenging to create my style of armor for my toon and this deters me from wanting to try different style due to the grind of just getting one set. Additionally…I think the buffs for cursed gear should be way higher for some of the negatives you receive, I’ve had scenarios where the weapon is just unusable, and I have to sell it.

Lastly, I love this FREAKIN game! it’s so good and I’m fine if it doesn’t change.
TIMERS FOR THE WIN (keep them all those little babies crying psssh}

I’ve thought about something similar. I have nice weapons, but I don’t like that rune with the wrong setting. I can’t remove the rune.

I think it would be appropriate if there was a feature that would clear all runes as a penalty for me wanting to change them.

in all fairness, the idea of having a mechanic to tamper a per-existing weapon’s or armor’s certain status with the penalty of getting it to lose some of its attributes or runes or effects sounds like a good addition.

i know we have the Cursed/purple type enchants, which is RNG. yet, if players crave having some control in a direction – like wanting dex or stamina or so, then having it while sacrificing other stuff might add a change to the way we build around some roles.

cheers for the post.

Even though i agree with some of your statements i do agree to a certain extent. Take into account im only providing my opinion to your post.
Since u can augment the item on the crucible the rng for all stats/gems can be maximized to its full value and and the purple item cursed debuff is downsized to its lowest value. Certain cursed stats actually provide no sort of cursed buff like experience lost on death/dmg taken when u maxed level or gold loss on death/dmg taken when u just aim to have always less than 1 of gold or healing effects reduced by X ammount while the same item gives healing effects increased by X ammount and if augmented u end up with more healing effects than the one’s lost for example and the list goes on. That’s why asking for better cursed gear stats seems to me abit too much.

However all vendors/crafters have all types of gear so u can use those and craft/buy and keep gambling till u get the right one’s. After all, gold becomes worthless eventually and u can use it pretty much for it. In this regard, gambling like u said and used the right word it is worth it and fine.

I do agree with your endless grinding for specific gear, if the gear can’t be bought from the vendor it can be complicated at times to get the right “cursed” stats like in my case since i am doing alot of endless crucible runs just for the Echo Knight Cyvion gear/enchant RNG.

If i had to give a suggestion to further complement what u said then it would be 2:

  1. It should be possible to keep enchanting the same piece of gear for new random stats for lets say a slightly higher cost in money with each following new enchant on the same item for example.
  2. Having both ways for everything in other words:
  • Keep the item destroy the gem or destroy the item keep the gem
  • keep the rune destroy the item or destroy the rune keep the item (keeping the rune destroying the item already exists though)

Will finish by saying that u do indeed striked me as a min/maxer for a moment when u mentioned your “perfect world” diferent situational builds hehe :smiley:

I agree with a lot of what you said. When I originally talked about perfect world situation it goes back to the game at its core. The developers are into creating a lot of realistic aspects to the game. So, if you were an adventure that was heading to a snowy region, etc. You are probable going to encounter enemies that are resist to the relevant type of element based off the region. My ice arrows aren’t going to do anything against a massive Ice wolf right?
So, in reality when I was talking about “perfect world” I mean being able to prepare by utilizing a system that allows you to tweak the gear you want to be able to take on future challenges. Also, with additional armor sets coming out how cool would it be to have a fur coat style armor set that you could have cold resistance on as if you were actually layering up to head up into the mountains. This is why I like the idea of being able to kind of tailor you gear in a way you want to do it.

Regarding the whole cursed gear topic, I just haven’t found myself equipping a lot of cursed gear because the negatives outweigh the positive. Even if I was to exalt the gear, I’d still rather not even deal with the side effects of the gear when the passive aspects of it aren’t making the weapon or armor stand out. which is why I originally said to increase the positive gains of it because of how brutal some of the negatives can be. And I’m not suggesting a raw numbers bump but maybe limit what we can rolled together? Like If my health is constantly draining in a game that can kill you before you blink sometimes maybe allow me to attack faster and increase my focus/health on damage dealt. Something along those lines. Lastly, I’m not a game designer so that’s probably a lot harder than it seems and like always they could release this game right now in its current state and I’d buy it on every console and be just as happy if nothing changed cheers for the response!
Long Live The Timers!

After enchanting weapons or armors more than less times the enchanted item comes with something that doesn’t fits your style specially a negative effect like xp loss on damaged taken, I think there should be a way of taking that negative effect and replace it with something else. By the way xp loss on damaged taken is by far the worst idea I’ve seen on my gaming life that makes no sense on a game that you will 100% take damage that only means you will never level up on a high level character.