Improving the enchantment system

To me and I think others too the enchantment system I too plain and random, a good addition to the enchantment system would be to instead of giving one enchantment and getting some random thing, it could be like a rogue like where you get 3 options all random with different enchantments to and debuffs, some might be rare and others plagued, if those enchantments aren’t what you necessarily want you should be able to re enchant at a higher cost, this would add further freedom of personalization to one’s own build, I think this would still keep the randomness of the games enchants but still give the player some say in what they want while still adding some punishment to them having more freedom.

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lets say if you can buy armor from vendor for 1 silver and enchanging cost 30 copper, the next reroll enchance cost more = 35 copper, if you fail again next is 40 copper and next 45 copper. thats total of 1 silver and 20copper so 20 copper more expensive than buying a new armor so it wont bring anything new how it already works because sometimes it take 60 or 120 enchantings to get a decent roll with the current system. i think instead making all RNG let us have higher chance to get the stats we need with a litle cost. with that we can farm armor from bosses only 1 or 2 time and not 500 times because looks matter

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I think in it’s current state it is too random with too little customization.

I almost every post I made about the topic I mentioned how it should have both Randomization and Customization.

Making enchanting similar to how level ups work in roguelikes, I’m working off of Vampire Survivors here. So you’d enchant for 1 affix and have the option to pick between several. I genuinely believe that is my favorite approach to how it should be. You have that excitement from getting presents and then picking the one you’d like.

Personally I would add mechanics to be able to remove certain affixes or the ability to influence from which affix pool we are pulling. And then make it costly, so you’d have to farm for what you want. And still have to chance to mess up. Unless you spend like another resource on it, which enables a reroll; plague ichor maybe. Also the ability to reroll affix values, to ensure you can get it higher. Or maybe that’s where the curse comes in. You get higher affixes but at a cost.

I wouldn’t do re-enchanting at a monetary cost though.

I do believe this is worth exploring more, so I’ll upvote.


I like this, it reminds me of god of war ragnarok Valhalla if you played that DLC.

You open a specific type of chest that always offers a few different enchantments of a similar type. Such

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Totally agree
This is exactly how I would like this system to be implemented

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Maybe rather than costing gold or copper it would cost a type of material, in the same way we have to find fallen ember for the crucible we could have a material tied to enchantments and re rolling them

I genuinely believe your idea is brilliant to change the enchanting from, in my opinion, a gacha mechanic, to a roguelike.

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i dont think material would make it easier, cold is fine but rng system or roguelike what you succested it needs to be less grindy/random since there is only a rare chance to get a certain piece of gear and it would not be rewarding to have to sell it because it have bad affixes