I would say you can divide a lot of the runes that give you attacks into two groups
- Utility moves that work well as cool extensions of your moveset. Gap closers, dodge attacks, strike-then-backstep, things that go through shield, things that hit a bit harder than normal moves, gimmicky tricks, and so on.
- Powerful, big moves that can destroy bosses by themselves. This can be huge damage attacks (Lightning Assault or Fire Throw on a greatsword, etc) or a spammable flurry attack (Dashing Stab, Twirl Dash, etc)
Both of these are fun by themselves, in a lot of circumstances / in a vacuum. But once you get past the very early game and have a proper setup going, these two usually just dont mix properly.
- The utility moves can be great, they let you make fun movesets to make your general playstyle more dynamic and interactive, and make you interact more with the movesets of bosses too. But they can feel completely overshadowed by the runes that can pack huge power.
- The big powerful runes feel very satisfying at first, but it quickly gets to a point where you can spam them over and over, and melt everything by pressing one button. Lets call these the âburst runesâ
And i wish these two could actually co-exist.
For example : Imagine im doing a build with a greatsword, with a variety of utility moves like Wallbreaker and Evasive Combo. But then i put Fire Throw or Lightning Assault on it (a burst rune). I get to something like Echo Knight and theres simply no incentive to use the utility runes. I can press the burst rune to rip off a huge chunk of his health, over and over and over, often staggering him or at great safety. When going through the normal crucible enemies, i can one shot every single one of them effortlessly by using the overpowered move. And âJust dont use itâ doesnt solve the problem, because i genuinely do want to be to have something such as a powerful rune without having it simultaneously invalidate the entire rest of the cool moveset.
The same problem applies if i have a bow Cone Shot, or a dagger with Dashing Stab + focus regen on hit. It gets to a point where these things dont actually synergize with my moveset at all, but rather are isolated overpowered moves that i can press over and over and trivialize the fight.
It definitely feels like relying on these single overpowered burst runes is more encouraged than actually using utility runes to craft a cool, versatile moveset, for a lot of reasons
Its far easier and less limiting to accomplish. If you can use a wide variety of cool utility runes, you are automatically more than capable of spamming the OP move over and over.
In the early game, you straight up cant afford to use utility runes very frequently, some weapons have terrible focus gain, and so on. So the result is that the player just wants to make sure every rune use is a big hit.
In the lategame, in order to craft a cool moveset, you will have to find quite a few different types of runes for attacks, while experimenting with them to make sure none of them feel mechanically weak/not useful (which is often a problem with some of these more generic runes), and this combined with how you cant unslot runes can make it genuinely be quite an investment to get a large group of runes without making any feel superfluous or overshadowed. But once you have the focus bar and focus gain to do use that, you automatically have the focus required to spam an overpowered move over and over, which is naturally going to be far stronger than just doing a single utility move. -
Enchanted gear has a limit of two runes, and that helps encourage relying on 1 rune rather than a cool moveset.
White weapons are pretty cool for the 4 rune slots, but from what i see, people mostly prefer blue/purple gear over white weapons most of the time (often me included). The lack of rune slots makes it so you cant make a vast and dynamic moveset within a single weapon, and instead it encourages to dedicate your one slot for adding a rune towards something that is a major gamechanger by itself. -
Of course, braindead spam is just more overpowered
All it takes for you to become overpowered with a good flurry attack rune is being able to get some âgain x% focus on hitâ, maybe heal on hit, and then it can just melt everything. A large focus bar and half decent focus gain can let you use something such as Fire Throw a ton of times in a row. You can rip off a massive portion of the health out of River Twins with almost zero investment by just getting yourself the bow with Cone Shot. An one-dimensional playstyle where you constantly do a powerful huge attack that instakills/melts everything is obviously better than a skillful dynamic moveset.
There was a time when the channel for posting clips of the game in the discord was filled with constant echo knight videos. In vast majority of them, if the player was actively using runes, they were usually either spamming a flurry over and over, or ripping off 1/5+ his healthbar with a single high-damage rune attack over and over. Its cool at first, but this quickly gets boring. Neither of these are interesting to play or to watch after the short lived novelty dies out, it doesnt matter what sort of weapon youre using if youre spamming either of the same two types of overpowered moves.
And thats kind of against what NRFTW was supposed to be, according to the devs : Undeliberate spamming of the same nuke move over and over instead of actually engaging with mechanics. It can be fun at first, but it quickly gets boring, and this is meant to be a very long game. It also doesnt really let the game evolve from it, because once you can nuke everything by pressing one button, theres nothing to mechanically improve other than âbigger damageâ. Sure, its still better than the state of the average ARPG, but its definitely way better to have a more cool dynamic moveset.
Of course, im not trying to dictate or limit how other people should play, but this is meant to grow into a huge long game, and it would definitely get boring if the entire journey is spent with the repeated use of a single overpowered move. Im pretty sure almost everyone can agree that cool dynamic movesets instead of spam would be a more fun for direction in this game.
And again, âjust dont use itâ isnt a solution. I shouldnt have to actively hold myself back or refrain from using powerful things i find in order to keep the game fun. Fights and bosses always feel more intense and exciting when i fight them with the full potential of my moveset, instead of actively being careful not to spam something overpowered and ruin it for myself.
Once again, i dont want the powerful runes to be totally nerfed in damage or potential, after all, these moves are very satisfying at first or during the early game. While a few things are honestly just too ridiculous (ex Lightning Assaultâs damage), nerfing the damage of something such as Fire Throw could end up making it feel less satisfying.
I would like the feeling of powerful attacks to be able to coexist with simple runes without completely invalidating them
And above all, i would like to see the game do a better job of encouraging the player to use rune attacks to craft a versatile dynamic moveset with utility moves such as gap closers/gap creators, dodge attacks, jumping attacks to dodge sweeps on the floor, etc, rather than relying on a single isolated move that does not interact with the rest of your moves. I think such games should make the player try to genuinely craft their own playstyle they can be proud of, instead of something one-dimensional that plays identically to the other builds.
The game being more about diverse and dynamic moveset, with lots of tricks that make runes synergize with eachother & with the weaponâs base moveset, would be a much more interesting direction.