I’m curious if people have certain runes they love to use, and what they love about them?
I’ve fallen into the trap of finding favorites and not experimenting much after that.
My list:
Whirlstep Strike - This one will probably get nerfed at some point. It’s way too easy to spam and just lawnmower everything.
Blink - Lots of fun to be able poof around the map. Except when you click one too many times and end up over the edge.
Multi-shot - Three shots in a row, each gets the benefit of on-damage buffs and holding attack down will add a fourth. Doesn’t knock you back so it’s safe to use in tight situations and seems to clear obstacles better than cone-shot.
Cone-shot - Another possible nerf/adjustment target. Super strong and can one-shot most enemies. I thought it would be a skill designed as a wide-angle spray, but quickly found it’s best for single target use. I’m not sure why they designed so the arrows stay together against single targets. Downsides are the kick back can send you over ledges and hitting enemies at odd angles doesn’t perform as well as multi-shot (cone shot hits objects in the path more often than multi).
Ice-throw - Old faithful. The freeze mechanic is currently too much better than all the other elements. Devs need to make the other elements worth choosing over this.
Would love to know what runes I’ve been missing out on.