Ability to switch rune locations on weapon

I would love to see the ability to move my runes. Even if we cant overide runes, it would be a nice consistency qol to be able to map my runes how i prefer them.
This really only matters for the default rune(s) since i choose where to put new ones. Im probably not alone in how i like my setup and since i like to have multiple characters and multiple weapons i would love to be able to remap my runes.


I concur with this, I like putting ice enchantment on my weapons but it’s a different place on the default ice enchantment weapon vs when I put it on other weapons and it’s a small thing but would feel great to have fixed.

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This would be a really nice quality of life addition. Throw that in with button remapping and I’ll be so happy!


yep, totally agree… at the very least somehow allow changing the key binding for that somehow