Can we please talk about the “on Parry” passives for 2-Hand Weapons or dual wield daggers?
Every time i enchant a 2hand weapon i am scared to get those rolls. Right now i crafted the ash daggers and they are now trash. And even tho they are crafted with 4 silver ingot, 2 tusks and have been enchanted i can only sell them for 96 gold.
I feel a bit ripped-off.
EDIT: after discussing this topic, i will rename this post. I also change my suggestion from removing “on parry” from the 2-hand pool to: please check if “on Parry” roll frequency is as intended.
why when you can parry with dual weapons? It’s absolutely viable to parry with a greatsword then use its rune attack for massive damage
well, might be a me thing, but i feel parry is trash with 2hands. And imo they would profit more from passives like attack speed, poise dmg etc.
Unless you run a parry build these passives are used in 1 out of 50 fights or so. seems pointless to me
It’s just a different timing is all then shields but I’ve been doing it. It’s the only reason I can beat Echo Knight without a cheese build is to get enough focus from parries for rune attacks. Removing the affixes just removes the idea that 2H weapon archetypes can be parry tools. Magic is 2H currently and needs tons of focus, getting good at parry is great for that
I think a better way would be to be able to actively change enchantments. Like “re-roll that perk of this item”, as a crafting option at elanors.
Being able to reroll a specific perk on your item is too powerful IMO. You could only need one item and godroll it
only depends on the price 
Unless it’s 500 gold or your entire fallen embers stash no price is too much for being able to craft an actually perfect weapon
I find that too many enchantments are based on parry. I would like to see much more that enchants can do that are non parry related. I really find the parry system is too unreliable in this game to be of use. Maybe if the parry window was modified to be more useful. 103 hours into the game and I still suck at parrying due to how the animations do not align when parry is actually going to work correctly.
Exactly this. Having parry enchants on shields or whatever is nice, but does it have to be 3 parry stats on an enchanted 2hander? Everything is “on parry”, at least it feels like it. And then you want to infuse and 8/12 gems are giving “on parry” too.
Honestly, i just sell eeverything.
I can agree with this but we’re luckily getting them already. The new enchantments which are drain health/focus continuously(the health drain is like 0.20 health a second it’s super manageable) have added to the pool of usable negative affixes & % focus on dodge
is a great one to have be possible on everything.
Parry window is fine, if you have 100h in the game and still sucks at parry thats because you are not trying harder. I suck at parry and after 100h i can even parry the Echo Knight, just learn the enemies movesets and try, after awhile you can parry everything, you will not get it all the time, but thats the point with a mechanic that lets you kill everything after one parry, not bosses of course.
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Could you maybe… just maybe try to not write it in that insulting way.
It is pretty clear that parrying still has its flaws. So please…
Here, i let ChatGPT fix your post:
“Hey there! The parry window is actually pretty forgiving. If you’ve clocked in around 100 hours and are still finding it tough, don’t sweat it! It might just mean you need to tweak your approach a bit. Personally, I used to struggle with parrying too, but with practice and getting to know enemy patterns, I’ve gotten much better. It’s all about learning those movesets and giving it a shot. You won’t nail it every time, but that’s part of the fun, right? Plus, mastering it can really change the game for you, especially against regular enemies. Keep at it!”
What’s wrong with “on parry” rolls. Parry works beautifully in this game, and these are useful perks to have.
Crafting (enchanting) “perfect” anything requiring virtually non-exisitent material nodes (2 silver nodes exist in game at the moment) is going to be expensive one or the other way.
I’d rather see more flexibility added to what can be achieved with gemstones (not mentioning their scarcity) on white gear.
Unless you are desperate for the moveset of ash daggers, buy few dozens of cheap tier1 brother’s keepers, get one good enchant, then upgrade them to the max.
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This just because you’re not interacting with a mechanic doesn’t mean it should be removed from the loot pool. That’s such a knee jerk reaction to one thing you don’t use. Should the devs also remove fire damage affixes just because you prefer lightning or ice too?
yeah, let me rephrase it:
Can you please make “on Parry” enchantments a bit less frequent?
I feel like getting 3 “on Parry” passives on a 2hander plus having some gems on some items only adding another “on parry” passive to the pool is a bit too much and results in me investing a lot of playtime and resources, just to throw away the item.
I don’t think I have ever got 3 “on parry” perks on anything, ever. TBH it sounds more like you scored some weird jackpot.
I actually have a different train of thought, if a roll ends up with a parry passive give it MORE parry-related affixes. Like you said you don’t like parry and you got a roll on it so the weapon is in this wimpy place of some affixes you like but it has a “wasted” parry affix right? So aggregate them together, make it so parry affixes are more likely to appear next to each other that way you get full-parry playstyle weapons instead.
@msoltyspl it’s rare but not super rare. I think 2 parry affixes on 1 weapon is pretty common.
i wish i hadn’t sold them, but just yesterday i had 3 items within the same enchantment roll ending up with 3 on parry stats… next time i’ll keep them and store them in a separate chest. 
But jokes aside, i feel like thats some sort of weird ingame karma that lets me get on parry on every freaking item, unless i play a parry build lol
I was so frustrated yesterday after my ash daggers turned to garbage, and i had to sell a ton of other items too.
All i ask for is either change the frequency of on parry stats or give us some option to influence enchantments. Like pay 3 red gems to get 1 out of 4 slots to be an HP buff or whatever. When i want to enchant a weapon with electric in other games i have to invest “lightning stones” too to get the effect. This would benefit all playstyles.
It’s not what you may want to hear but consider always having either a reliable blue or highly-infused white on hand of a weapon you want to play. You would be amazed how good whites can actually be since you get full control over their passives.