Hello and welcome,
I do not think that durability and the current way healing works are ‘‘anti-fun’’ mechanics. The waiting timers on construction I do agree on them being ‘‘anti-fun’’, although removing them completely I wouldn’t like either.
This has been nerfed to the point where it is a non-issue.
- Reduced durability loss.
- Reduced repair costs.
- Increased drop rate of repair powder.
- Increased durability on tools.
Furthermore, in the starting area the repair costs are free. Having another realm in the starting state removes durability costs 100%. There is a rune which repairs all your gear. If you keep a utility weapon durability is a non-factor with how potent this rune is.
I’d actually prefer durability to become relevant again and have this feeling of being punished for playing recklessly. The system at launch kept you on your toes as a player. I’d much rather have that version of durability back.
The game has some elements from a survival game, the resource gathering. Just make sure to gather resources as you progress through areas so you are less likely to run out of them. It’s also a part of the player’s responsibility to ensure they have enough healing items especially before a boss fight.
But, there are some locations where it is easy to farm food items:
- Starting zone beach area, crabs and fish.
- The area below Warrick features a shrine with quite a few herbs.
- The area below the quarry features a small garden with various greens.
- Marin woods for meat.
If those aren’t enough you can always buy food resources at Gordon’s.
As for losing muscle memory, I highly doubt you lose muscle memory in the span of a few minutes. Sure, you might forget some boss mechanics but, this can also happen during a fight. Now I do understand that being out of resources can create a situation where you as a player lose your focussed state.
But, I still believe it is the players responsibility to bring enough healing items, flasks and other buffs. We see this in MMORPG raiding as well.
As for the estus flask suggestion, I personally don’t like it. However, I have to acknowledge that various players have expressed frustration with the healing mechanic in particular:
- Flask, cos food do be kinda mehh
- Healing right now isn’t quite there
- Healing system feels frustrating
- Healing & Bossfights
- Food gathering is pure anti-fun
- Durability and healing
- Health Rework Proposal
Yet, these are mostly likely from Soulslike player’s who haven’t had much experience with RPGs.
I will say that one of the best suggestions in those posts is:
Simply don’t use healing items for the first couple fights to learn the boss’ moves.
As for the future, we will be getting a farming system which should lessen the grind for food resources. And, provide easier access to higher tier food resources.
Building Timers
I’m on the fence on this.
On the hand I would like to see the building/upgrades visually represented in the game. With builders gathering at the build site, making plans, scaffolding and Maker Danos giving directions. More immersive elements and such.
And, on the other hand I dislike the timers but, more so from the pov of people who work 9-5. I can imagine some people coming home and want to progress on the game and then have to wait several hours, which means waiting until the next day.
Closing Words
I 100% agree with @death_the_kid on treating this game as a survival ARPG, think of V Rising, and not a Soulslike. There are others things to do and preparation before boss fights is the player’s responsibility.
My best advice would be to be smarter with using your resources like food and flasks:
- Don’t use healing items and flasks for the first few attempts to learn the boss’ mechanics.
- Once you get the hang of the fight use healing items sparingly.
- And, when you think you can beat the boss, go all in on healing items and flasks.