Flask, cos food do be kinda mehh

I dont wanna say that the food in the game is not a good idea, but its kinda mehh. I do like the flask system like in other games (you start with a small one and upgrade it over the playthrough). Plus the wait time is so annoying. In boss fights its just better to get hp on hit and use that vegetable block for 10 % dmg. So basically food is almost useless in lategame. So i would just scrap it, give us maybe flask or something that u can refiil on death or at some outpost/respawn point/random place and reddo the food that it only gives buffs/dmg/resistance/more stamina and so on.


Makes more sense, yeah.


i also prefer food to be only for buffs and hp/focus for flask/potion

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Game definitely doesnā€™t need a flask or potion system for health.

Food is fine, and fits the game.

Not everything needs to be a Dark Souls clone.


its still different system from souls games if you have to craft the potions and it works just how it already do. what i ment is just separate buff and healing because for me it just makes more sense to have focus (mana) and healing potions and buff foods

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My issue with the food is that it discourages you from trying difficult areas early. If you have a finite pool of heals that requires grinding/ spending lots of money to replenish upon depletion, you will only stick to areas that are ā€œsafeā€ or ā€œmoderateā€, which is a bummer.

Also, to be reductive, not everything has to be a breath of the wild clone either haha. It goes both ways


The point of this is to try to make the game better so keep your feeble mind to yourself. :slight_smile:

Itā€™s called preparation, thatā€™s the word youā€™re looking for. A thing unanimously built into the core gameplay loop of ARPGs not just Diablo-likes. It may not be perfect but itā€™s a lot better than design here than being allowed to freely gain XP without losing anything if you implemented a flask system

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Sure if you could actually articulate a good way to do it. Keeping literally everything about this game but you get a flask is a good way to just make people be unpunished for any bad decisions or throwing themselves into a fight

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To me its not what im looking for in a souls-like game. Stacking 40 pieces of healing and slowly hitting the boss while eating myself to hyperglycemic coma.

This is the official forums. Not the Steam forum.
Insults are not very helpful :kissing:

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Dark souls uses a flask and alot of people talk about that game as one the more difficult games ever even with how healing works. What are you even going on about?

Like the comment; not everything has to be a breath of the wild clone either.

Can people who disagree just make their own post giving their feedback to devs why they like the healing instead of attacking people with a different feedback, please.

I disagree with this proposed system.

I like collecting various cooking ingredients, turning them into food and then healing myself with them. It feels like Iā€™m preparing more for my future adventure, so it adds some immersion. Food restoring health has been done very commonly across RPGs that Iā€™m fine with it. The cooldown on the food makes sense, since we have near unlimited capacity. So it prevents spamming, and incentives careful gameplay.

For me the proposed flask system seems annoying and immersion breaking. Letā€™s say I have X charges and use them on a pack. I then run back to the Cerim Whisper to refill. At least, that is how I imagine your suggestion to work. It just seems annoying to run back and forth. When I can just pick up ingredients and then cook them at a campfire. Or buy food and cooking ingredients and Gordonā€™s to prepare.

If it was part of an alchemy system I can see it make more sense. However, Iā€™d still prefer food items over alchemy. Since alchemy is used for bombs and buffs.

The forums are a place of discussion. You canā€™t have a discussion with only people agreeing with each other. You would then have an echo chamber. And, since I dislike this suggestion, I comment on it. Which I am allowed to do.


I think you misunderstand, like many others.

The forum is about feedback and suggestions. To keep it cival people should stick to the threads they agree with or own threads and topic. Dagreeing is fine, just make a counter thread and stick to it. Arrguing when it is clear people have different opinions doesnā€™t lead anywhere and you are confusing arrguing and discussion.

Exp: Someone like the rune system and some donā€™t. But they should be sperret to make it easy to follow. Is it good or is it bad and people should gader where they agree the most and make it not so hard to read through to what is general feedback or suggestion.

Thereā€™s even a Ā«solutionĀ» mark you can give. So discuss with what you agree with and read the thread titles.

You can literally flag people for not being on topic to the thread.
This is to keep the threads clean and easy to read and for the devs and everyone and it helps to overlook what is a hot topic of feedback or suggestion or bug and also makes it easy to see how many actually want the change

To me it seems you and others are making it personal and not about the game or the development team.

Youā€™re basically making your own thread in someone elseā€™s feedback if you understand, and makes it hard to stay on topic and find like minded people where they can work out a solution, but that does not mean the developers will make the change, but itā€™s there easy to see; what is good or bad.

Iā€™m sorry for pointing this out but, you are actually the one misunderstanding this. We are free to discuss stuff through argumentation. If you disagree with me you can come with arguments as to why you disagree, and have a discussion.

Iā€™m not making it personal and I resent such an accusation. So, Iā€™d appreciate it if you refrain from making such false accusations.

Now, if you want to remain on topic you can reply to my post and argue why you think I am wrong. Or why you see it differently.

I still think the flask system is a bad idea because it breaks immersion and it becomes tedious walking back and forth between Cerim Whispers and trash packs. So, Iā€™d much rather have the current food system.

I like the food system itā€™s like this game actually has a lot of systems to interact with other games thereā€™s no thought to anything and less to interact with making them in my opinion more boring.

Like Havnt played a game in awhile where I have interacted with every npc in town and have it be useful.

i think the food system is a good and functional idea, it just needs adjustments and refining, i dont see a better way of doing the healing system in this game based on how it currently works.
many threads are discussing the healing system at the moment and i think thatā€™s because it currently has a few too many complications to be smooth and enjoyable:
-you need recipes, so you need ALL the materials to make that ingredient.
-the current recipes dont allow for much flexibility and there arent that many either, especially early-mid game.
-i think basic food ingredients could be spread more intelligently throughout the map, to make gathering after losing a big amount easier and less tedious.
-not too confident about this but i think it might be cool if there was a basic food ingredient (like the herb) that just healed you a lot by itself, so that became the basic healing item, and then the more complex food recipes offered valuable bonuses, so you could have easily gatherable heals, and then have very good heals with bonuses when you make food.
-inventory slots make gathering food feel AWFUL; that needs a bit of tinkering honestly.
i hope you find my views appreciable on how to improve the current food system, and thank you for reading :smile:

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Agreed, i love the food system and you have other methods of healing, the rune spells are great, i just think the +healing effects you accumulate on armor are not transmitting to them.

I agree with you on a lot of things, some I disagree with. Iā€™ll go over them as you listed them.

  • I think itā€™s fine as it is. Maybe require less ingredients for ā€˜ā€˜early gameā€™ā€™ recipes and then later allow for more ingredients for ā€˜ā€˜late gameā€™ā€™ recipes.

  • Agreed, you first kill some crabs but donā€™t have a recipe for crabs. Instead you start with the artemisia and mushroom recipe. A bit more overlap or a grilled crab recipe with reduced healing could be nice.

  • Iā€™d like it to be similar to the ā€˜ā€˜druid groveā€™ā€™ in Orban Glades, where there are a lot of herbs and mushrooms in one spot. So have a specific location where you can farm a lot of ingredients. Also farming is coming, so that should alleviate some issues.

  • I disagree with having a basic food ingredient healing you for a lot. Kinda defeats the point of cooking. They could do single item recipes for basic healing and, as you said, the complex food recipes offer valuable bonusses. I like that quite a lot.

  • I just dislike how the inventory system is handled atm. Iā€™d much rather have craft able bags. They gain increased slots and stacks as you progress.

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