Food cooldown feedback, suggestion to change

I want to point out food (healing items).

So both Souls-like and Diablo has a flask for a healing items that has no cooldown.

In Wicked we have plenty of healing items in my opinion, but on a 20-30 second cooldown.

This to me seems counterintuitive as it slows down gameplay. Food that has buffs I can’t understand having a cooldown as what is the point have the option buffing multiple times but have wait for 20-30 seconds between each almost loosing the buff in the process. Food that just heals should have less of a cooldown or none at all, but make it so that you only can have a few at a time, say 20 with you when leaving Sacrament (the hub area) and maybe introduce a «food bag» at campfires where you cook and select food you need and don’t.

Theres almost no different than Dark Souls as you have the choice, eventually, to have up to 12-15 healing flask and the last Diablo games had 1 on a short cooldown or you had a few without cooldown, some mobs had the ability to put the healing items on cooldown, but other then that no cooldown.

So I’ll be honest, I don’t try to play picture perfect as I see health as a resource in games.
If I can get a few hits in, but I take a hit from it, I usually do as I know I’ll be fine as I can heal up.

But with the long cooldown and most enemies seem very aggressive in Wicked, the gameplay becomes more and more boring to me and the action in a action game isn’t there for me anymore.

I would love to see a change in food cooldown to encourage more action.

This isn’t to say the game is too hard, I get by fine with chests full of food items, I just wish I could be as aggressive as the enemies are, especially bosses give players the option to choose for themselves.


I think the vision is the combat isn’t as fast-paced, but I agree a reduction of the food cooldown would be cool. Meanwhile, tho, need a nerf on high-end food sources, if we can chug food at a faster pace AND we’re having all the food in the game, it’s IMBA.


I don’t know, other games heal you to full why should it be so different in Wicked, other then to slow down as you say, but it just makes the gameplay passiv to me as making a mistake takes way to long to recover from.

Like "now the boss is doing a bunch of attacks, stay away or attack from range if you can

Your a tank class with full plate armor? Too bad you got almost one shot".

It makes me question if the devs try to hide from not being able to balance damage behind an idea of gameplay.

Seen alot of comments that thing seems out of balance.

But to be fair it is their fist time making this kind of game I just hope they aren’t hiding behind mechanics or an idea of gameplay.

Cause you start a character with a clean slate and you get to play out an class fantasy.

Mages and range rouge, now that focus regeneration (gem infusion) works seems too good for example, but it’s probably because they fit the idea of gameplay.


I had an idea to add somethimg similar to the enchant tables.
Digust food X% faster
And the purple boon of digest food X% slower
This would still impact peoples heal economy but also add depth to the pool in an impactful way.

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That definitely follows the developers system for sure. It’s at least something and could easily be implemented.

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I’m iffy on this because the fact that you heal a lot feels dissatisfying, if we were to play games optimally then no game would be fun. Everyone would just run bows or staffs and sling spells from far away but we directly want the game to be fun. The game telling is essentially telling you you’re a little bitch if you have to heal constantly so I think people will want to get better and not feel like they’re brute forcing. That’s my opinion though I don’t think making heals faster is the solution because then people really will just be chugging food as fast as they can. Currently what happens is you heal, then you go back in and if you get hit bad really soon now you’re careful and on the edge as you try to make sure you don’t die. VRising had infinite heals and the gameplay was still plenty fun and I think it applies here since we get 1shot a lot easier than fromsoft games.

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From Software game start your character early on with almost a 1000 health with a few levels and with 5-10 health flask with farm that fully heal you, don’t see the problem. Not saying increase the health or anything, but having the option to heal when you need to makes for more action - you don’t really get a chance to fight bosses like Echo Knight at all almost because you have to stay in the back ground watch him attack and study the fight, all the action is gone from the game it’s passified gameplay so in my opinion a reduction to the cooldown would make for engagement.

If you don’t need to heal at all that’s your gameplay, but don’t take the chance of fun out of game for others because you wanna bitch about «get good at the game» when there’s talk about adding more strategy to how to play the game.

The food cooldown is right IMO. I have played Souls games as well, you could spam there but your stock was limited. We have sort of unlimited here but the strategy is different and well designed.


I agree, I think the food cooldown is fine. No cooldown means you can spam consumables and trivialize the game very easily. Removing the cooldown and limiting the amount of food you can carry just makes it so you’re running back to town more often, I don’t think there’s any reason to change the current system and I think it fits pretty well with Wicked’s other systems.

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Souls-likes have limited flask usages before you need to rest at a bonfire, resetting all the enemies in the area in the process. Diablo also has a fairly limited number of potions that you can burn through pretty quickly in a boss fight or dungeon if you try to ignore all the combat mechanics. The game difficulty is trivialized if the devs remove food cooldown entirely, making the game less appealing to many players in the process. The devs can’t simply limit the amount of food carried since all that does is create the frustrating gameplay loop of constantly running back to town for no other reason than to restock food supply.

I do not think a reduction in food cooldown would be good for the game, and I think your preferences for it as stated here are largely subjective. I do not think that Wicked’s current combat system, which seems as though it’s meant to feel weighty and tactical, fits the “spam the attack button” style of play that you’re looking for.

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It sounds like you haven’t played none of the games mentioned.

Both game mentioned does it why would a rework of healing make a difference in Wicked, they even respawn enemies these other games, if nothing Wicked is more boring as you just stand and wait for 20-30 seconds for each fight and you can travel between town and back and have no respawns and utualize that boring way of playing.

Some people are actually defending the cooldown with talking about «people would just heal all the time», like it’s the same in other games, chunking health flask in soul-likes that is what most players might actually end up doing the way it is now and it gets boring none action packed gameplay. «Oh let me you just wait for 20-30 seconds… It’s fine, I can wait»…

No I actually see what is going on now, people are afraid the game might become too difficult because they can’t utilize standing around waiting for their almost endless supply of healing items…

When you get to the crucible the game changes completely, suddenly your taken away that core gameplay of going back to town, but oh wait, lets look through the stacks of food we got, let us buff up, oh no almost lost our food buff because we waited for another.

The game is literally asking players to wait for half a minute between fights if you messed up; not engaging gameplay in my opinion and giving players free choice like a flask system from souls-like would encourage for a more action packed gameplay in my opinion, but still giving the option to play both ways, slow and steady or hands on go with the flow.

It’s not even Souls-like and Diablo either. All games come with this if it’s health kits or stims you have to craft or collect in the open world, but at least you’re given the choice how you want spend them, 1 now or 2 later, etc.

You seem severely confused about how game systems work and why they work. No Rest for the Wicked is not Dark Souls, Elden Ring, or Diablo. Those games allow you to use healing items with no cooldown because of their other, unique systems that retain the game’s difficulty. Healing in those games is finite, getting healing charges back in Elden Ring/Dark souls can’t be done without resetting the area’s enemies and can’t be done at all in a boss fight. Diablo requires you to find more potion charges from killing enemies or progressing the phase of a boss fight. Those games do not allow you to heal an unlimited amount for free, and yes I’ve played all of those games extensively.

The aforementioned systems aren’t currently present in No Rest for the Wicked, which is why the healing cooldown is necessary. Right now the player can carry hundreds of food items in their inventory and those items are extremely plentiful in the endgame, Wicked is not a survival game where those resources are valuable and hard to find. If you’re specifically complaining about the food cooldown between fights then yeah, I think a system that detects when the player is in combat and then immediately refreshes the cooldown when combat is over would be nice. Otherwise I think a change to food cooldown isn’t necessary and definitely shouldn’t be a priority.

You seem to fail to understand this is a about suggestions and feedback about what works and what doesn’t and that the game is in early access and can change based on the feedback and suggestions and the devs have definitely already, done alot of changes to the game so changing the cooldown or how healing item works in the game might be something the devs could look into as I pointed out that some the choices around the design seems to have no point to it.

But if you like how the game is you are free to ignore my thread so it doesn’t get more attention then needed if you are not happy with my feedback and suggestions.

It is because I’m unhappy with your feedback and suggestions that I’m commenting as I want devs reading your proposed changes to know that there is opposition.


Well they probably won’t do anything as my thread has few supporters so relax trying lecture me.

Agree. This would help if you get poisoned the last second although dying doesn’t do much as they reduced repair cost so there’s really not much to it and it feels pointless to be so sparring with food supply in my opinion.

I can’t help see a potential rework would be nice though. Maybe the game trying for something that’s not necessary.

I must admit I never really found food as a healing item a sensible solution. Especially as you say Bladthazar it is overly plentiful towards the end. I walk out with a stack of 4 different food types (sometime 2 of one type) so this defeats the option. I can also see the sensibility of not having the food timer (a few others have mentioned it in other topics I think).

Maybe a system like Have a Nice Death where healing doesn’t heal fully but takes a small portion off your full health and food made and used at campfires refills this? This could also add buffs. Make food collection less available and make food have other uses.


I’m not trying to lecture you, just trying to write a strong counterargument and I don’t feel like I can do it without lengthy explanations for why I disagree. You never know what the devs might read, there could very easily be someone on the design team absentmindedly laying in bed and scrolling through the forums for feedback and ideas.

I hadn’t really thought about it before but I think resetting the food cooldown outside of combat would be really nice and I think adding food cooldown reduction on gear could be a neat affix, that’d give you the option of building a character that wants to go all-in while chugging tons of consumables. Alternatively, maybe they could add a specific type of consumable that doesn’t cause a cooldown? For instance, if you’re poisoned maybe there’s an antidote item that you can pop that doesn’t prohibit you from eating. A potion-type item that you can drink that doesn’t proc the food cooldown could be a cool idea in general.

That could be interesting. I’m not against the idea of looking at the food system just the idea of removing the food cooldown and making no other changes. A system where a portion of the damage you take is permanent until revisiting town/whispers could be interesting, if they add that I think unlimited healing is probably fine. I can’t help but wonder if being forced to walk back for full healing might be an even more tedious system though.

I meant more at any campfire. There are plenty outside of the town. You would need to have food ingredients or something like that and food offers other buffs on top of that. For instance bleed resist if you are in an area with enemies that add bleed or poison for example.

I just keep thinking of how full my guy must be getting when I eat 2 clam chowders, 3 meat kebabs and a mushroom soup in one fight! Not to mention how badly his armour must fit afterwards. Definitely a fat roll situation!