Camera on PC + targeting

The game is great but a couple of issues. The camera on the PC lazily follows the direction of movement. You’re moving down and can’t see where you’re running. You can be attacked from the adjacent zone.
Let the camera move in the direction the player is looking. A little forward. And stronger forward if you run.

Targets get confused if there are several goals. The PC player has a mouse. Let when you point the mouse and click the target button on a specific enemy, the target is transferred to him. Now it randomly dances in the semi-target when clicked. The fact that holding down the target key removes it is cool.

BUG (on a thin beam in the sewer along which you have to slowly walk, you can’t climb from the left without jumping. Maybe there’s an invisible texture there, you have to jump onto it from the side. But logically you just have to walk onto it)

In the Russian localization there is a shield(skale of justice) with a debuff of -29% health, but in reality the Debuff-health is constantly dropping

Many inscriptions do not fit. Better a small font than not seeing the weapon description. A lot of food without specific numbers for HP recovery (Russian localization)

It would be cool to remove runes from weapons at the cost of destroying the rune. (make a clean weapon without runes and fill it yourself). Or remove the gem at the cost of a weapon. I just can’t find feathers for - weight(

I admire the lvl design. Reminds me of the vibe of Dark Souls 1. The balance of the mobs is also great. Runes may be too strong. You quickly grow into a super car. It’s hard to imagine balanced pvp in the future. There may be a problem like with the ashes of war in Elden Ring

these have been issues that were reported multiple times.

at some point i will do a collection thread and combine them all together.

until then, please see here:

and i am sure there are many many more.