Camera Zoom for combat - changes in this patch don't feel good (EA Patch 1)

In the previous patch there was an option for camera zoom which I have at 0% since I prefer the camera to show a slightly wider view.

However, it still zoomed in for combat which in the previous patch (hotfix 6) felt mostly fine but now after Early Access Patch 1, it zooms in way tighter and then stays zoomed in after combat for way longer before eventually popping back out - this means that I now find myself pausing after a lot of combat encounters (in precarious places) waiting for the camera to zoom back out.

The slow response of the camera panning back out doesn’t feel good and nor does the aggressive camera zoom especially in places where there are ‘gravity’ dangers.

Edit: Just had a fight with multiple enemies in a short period of time in The Shallows and the following things are now also apparent:

  1. Camera yo-yo-ed in and out constantly and that felt horrible as I moved from one encounter to the next - I think this is because it takes about 3 or 4 seconds to start zooming back out which was just enough time between one enemy and the next for the camera to start to pan out and then it would aggressively zoom in
  2. The bridge (where the captain is sitting at the beginning of them game) now becomes transparent because the camera zoom is so aggressive.

EDIT 2: In another fight shortly after the one above I have now noticed that it’s now much easier to get smacked by an off-screen enemy because the camera zooms in so tight for the combat and then you don’t see the another patrolling enemy coming into aggro range.

EDIT 3: Sorry, another issue with the camera - got in a fight near the entrance to Sacrament up where the mushroom patch is with multiple enemies and one enemy dodged away from me as I leapt forward in the opposite direction to kill another - the camera suddenly yawed from the enemy I killed and shot across to the enemy that dodged and then lurched back to my character - that actually gave me a burst of motion sickness.

None of the above felt good - please make this adjustable or simply take it out. One of the most amazing parts of this game now feels absolutely awful to engage with.

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