Collection of Camera bugs/feedback

I want to give some feedback about the camera. This is somewhat in-between bug reports and opinions, since it covers a lot of things at once. Also it is probably not easy to “fix” this all at once, so here is some collection that maybe helps you to find some solutions. :slight_smile:

  1. The camera often has environment in the view, blocking vision fundamentally.

  2. The other way around, the camera sometimes makes things before the player invisible, without leaving any hint that they are there… In this case i wanted to push the enemy off an edge, but that barricade was in the way and i did not realize because it was invisible. Maybe consider making such things semi transparent… you will likely find something that fits the artstyle. (Unfortunately I was not able to reproduce that at will, so that screenshot just shows where).

  1. In some cases, the camera tries to “hint” towards specific objects or locations, shifting the central point towards that object. While this is in principle a nice way of giving a hint to the player towards something, it can be a problem when he wants to do something different… or see something. Imho, a nudge too much. (got it…:wink: ) Maybe at least limit that time-wise. The player should always be in the center imho, (yellow rectangle) at least in “danger” zones.

  1. Especially in bossfights, the camera is “cinematic” and moves a lot.
    This is on the one hand kind of nice, but it has significant problems.
  • The first one, the obvious… sometimes the camera is zoomed so much on the player, that one does not see the boss. In a bossfight the boss is the most important thing… even more than the player. I need to always see it to be able to react. This is especially tricky when the boss is south (bottom screen) to the player. (e.g. Eccho Knight)
  • The second is that when the camera decides to zoom in too much, the boss will not be targeted anymore. With limited items and (in theory) limited focus, this ist frustrating to see the resources wasted into the void because the boss is not getting targeted. At the same time, the bosses usually have no issue with targeting the player at that distance. To me that feels unfair. (e.g. Twins)
  • The last subpoint here, when the camera moves so much, the player easily looses himself. Some people have more trouble with than others. Maybe give an option to “always fix the player in the center”.
    A solution to this could be a “player always in center” + “zoom out if boss too far away, to keep in viewport” strategy. Depending on how the game is coded, that could also help with the targeting.
  1. Offscreen attacks. Sometimes the camera is so close that nearby enemies are not shown, although they are in aggro range or even attack range. Getting killed by a random attack from “outside the playing field” feels unfair.

I absolutely agree. There needs to be some sort of camera overhaul. i can understand the design choice to not have free movable cam, but at least let us pan the camera so we can judge jump angles better.

or let us pan camera when standing at a ledge so see the surroundings and maybe check if there is a “secret” jump or climb.

there are quite a few threads already , regarding this issue. maybe we can manage to centralize them somehow. would surely make brainstorming more convenient,

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