Mouse and Keyboard control

Better yet? It was abysmal at launch. Refunded on steam.

You can rebind, but it doesnt fix the targetting and all. They havent really changed the game much other than letting you rebind stuff and select a few presets, but that doesnt change the total lack of a cursor and generally questionable handling without lockon.

Not sure if i make a post about it, or just put it all here as a reply, but this game is in serious need of a major addition/overhaul of actual proper targetting mechanics. A proper cursor, a better lock-on, and generally fixing problems that i have seen being completely solved by much smaller dev teams, on much more basic games, with much smaller budgets, and much smaller precision required.

I’m going to link this post here as it includes a very comprehensive review of the KB&M controls:

and we have several posts about targeting/lockon issues.

Just to name a few: [Combat Targeting][Video Evidence] Multiple bugs when 'Auto Target Enemies' is set to off