[Combat Targeting][Video Evidence] Multiple bugs when 'Auto Target Enemies' is set to off

My Claim:

I’ve either encountered the same bug twice or two separate bugs in this short video clip that I’ve attached as evidence.


I decided to turn off auto targeting of enemies the other day because the auto mode was getting me killed around 10-15% of my engagements with 2+ enemies (I might make a separate topic about this later). In my evidence video for this report, Auto Target Enemies is set to unchecked (off) in the game settings. I am using an Xbox Elite Controller for my inputs.

What Happened:

In this section I refer to the timestamps in the video so that it’s easy to follow along. I used Microsoft Clipchamp to make the video and also to designate my time-based reference points.

9.82 : I manually select my target to be the top most target on screen. I will call this TargetA for the remainder of this bug report (the other enemy will be referred to as TargetB). TargetA is my intended target until they get defeated.

13.56->13.57 : The targeting marker somehow automatically moves from TargetA to TargetB! I do not notice this until 16.13. I’m genuinely confused here, but don’t have time to think about it as I’m in combat. It’s important to note that I did not manually make any input for changing targets.

16.73 : I roll away and again, manually target TargetA.

22.69 : The targeting reticle automatically drops from TargetA leaving me without a target! I do not notice this in the heat of the moment. Again, I never made any input to change my target.

24.72 : Still believing that TargetA is my target, I begin an attack toward TargetA knowing that they are low life. However, because there’s no target, the game decides that TargetB should be the receiver?? I lose the encounter and I’m pretty frustrated because I felt like I played that as best I could. I should have won this engagement.


There are 3 critical points for this report, two are bugs, one is a change that would be nice to have and is therefore up for debate.

1. (Bug) At 13.57, the targeting reticle automatically moves targets. This is a bug as I have disabled auto target enemies and would expect the reticle to never move unless I provide an input for it.

2. (Bug) At 22.69, the targeting reticle automatically drops from my target. This is a bug as I have disabled auto target enemies and I never made any targeting inputs. This may be a separate combat bug entirely. Why would the target reticle drop ever in the middle of combat?

3. (Nice-To-Have / Maybe-Bug) Once the engine is in a state where no targets are marked with a reticle and an attack is made in close proximity to two targets, it chooses the enemy with the highest health to attack, even though there is a closer enemy with less health. Referring to 24.72, I feel TargetA should have been chosen in this scenario. Even my movement is towards TargetA and the entire focus from the start has been TargetA. Perhaps this is how the game is designed to be in this scenario (so as to make it more 'difficult')? However, when layered in with the above bugs, I felt like I got gipped the entire encounter and it felt really bad.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. Let me know if you need anything else.

Video Evidence (unlisted YouTube video in an unlisted playlist): AutoTargetingStillApplyingEvenWhenTurnedOff

Files: Files (player logs, DataStore, dxdiag: AutoTargetingOffBugs - Google Drive

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Just a little bumparoni for the day. Hope to get some visibility on this.

So did they fix it in last patch? Below are my findings for bugged auto target = off, but it was in v13011. I would happily comeback to the game if there was manual targeting available.

Noticed on dual daggers build:
No way of manual targeting - there is actually an option to turn off automatic targetting, but it doesn’t work as expected. I can use R3 and move the right analog to switch targets (red dot on the targets). But it all ends on these red dot marks. When I have a target focused and use attack with another direction with my left analog, attacks follow the analog, not the target. R3 should be a keybind to enter/exit targetting mode, now it acts like you activate it with R3 and it automatically exits after 1 second - for me personally, I would have much more fun with auto targetting set off, but currently it’s impossible to play with.

It seems to be the bug referred as no. 2 by OP.

Wondering why it’s still not fixed in 14684.
Auto Target = OFF is still unplayable.

Hey Guys anyone else have a problem with tracking? Before the update when i had a enemy in target, my character was follow them with his attacks and focus ability. Now with the update my character dont follow them anymore and when i attack i move around the world and my attacks and abilities are miss they targets.

Its a bit annoying when my character hits the “air” all the time, when he hits the target before the update all the time.


Yes, I’ve always had problems with locking on in this game.

With Auto-Lock disabled, I’ll lock on to a target, and at some point without touching the right stick, it’ll randomly unlock.

With Auto-Lock enabled, it will lock on to something, and usually when I try to switch to a different target, it immediately switches back or doesn’t change. On top of that, when fighting a targeted enemy right in front of me, it switches itself to another enemy in the background, causing my attack to launch me off a cliff.

Maybe I’ve just reached a point with it, or I’ve noticed it happening more since the update