Terrible state of silver ore/bar right now

I was honestly curious to see if the patch will include new silver ores in the map, but … I’m not really surprised that there are none. Silver is a T3 material in a game where we don’t have a tier 3 zone to farm it. This is why it made sense to have it be sold, since our only end game grind is crucible which rewards lots of money, which could be spent on the bars needed to max out our gear. What’s currently in the game is worse than having 0 silver nodes on the map, becuase it’s like spitting in the faces of players who’ll just run through the entire map on like 5 realms to max out one piece of armor.

There are two “easy” ways to even hotfix this pressing issue.

  1. Bring back the ability to buy SILVER bars from the max tier blacksmith. (I’m more than fine with the change overall, not being able to buy copper and iron, as they are rather abundant and farming for them is fine.)
  2. After beating the Riven Twins (it needs to be before beating the crucible boss, because for some players these upgrades might be quite needed to beat it) swap like 50% of the iron nodes in the quarry for silver ones. Maybe even like 80%. This… doesn’t make much sense.

Alternatively just change the recipes temporarily where you only need iron bars and never silver bars, unless you’d need like 1 for the final upgrade.

The current state is unacceptable, pretty much meaning you CAN NOT progress unless you take part in hours long just realm swapping and farming to get 2-4 ore PER realm.


100% agree man, I don’t know why this isn’t being discussed actively. Apparently the people is complacent with this. I am trying to update plate armour (Silver ores) and Leather clothes (durable leather) and there is no way to farm them. I am not going to spend hours to get to the 2 known silver spots per realm and just kill mobs hoping to get the hydes.

Really bad move they made with patch 1…

Lol. There’s atleast 4 or 5 threads that I’ve seen personally on this very forum criticising the change since the patch went live :stuck_out_tongue:

Here’s a few links to some of em :smiley:

Edit: I’m adding more threads as I see them :stuck_out_tongue:


Clearly people are not happy with the change. I’d expect them to act on it in the next patch/hotfix :slight_smile:

hopefully next hotfix, took them 2 weeks to release the first patch, this needs to be remediated ASAP.

Or you could just live with not being maxed out in the current content.


What a very constructive comment to this thread :slight_smile:

Nearly one month when the game was released into Early Access just a little over 2 weeks ago?

6 Hotfixes dropped since then and one major update. How much more are you expecting them to work?

Nearly 1 month? It took 2 weeks. 15 days if we’re being pedantic.

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You do understand why games go into Early Access right? Funding and Early Feedback.

The scarcity and rarity of farming spots in the current state for tier 3 armors, leathers and clothes doesn’t make sense at all. Why would you enjoy being EA endgame having to farm for hours/realms to get 10 silver ores? 10 hides?

Makes no sense, keep off the refined mats from vendors, but do increase the drop rates or spots where you can farm this, the rate/hour rate/day to get them is ridiculous at the moment.

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Thanks for your input.

Do you guys understand that T3 materials are not supposed to be available yet? Its Act 2 material.


Sure. Which is why removing the silver bars from the merchant was a bad call imo.

Atleast until more content is released.

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Except youll be taking on Act I content with Act II gear, and when you start Act II you’ll have a massive leg up. This doesn’t create for great feedback since you’ll have no idea what the baseline progress is supposed to feel like.


I think the Crucible is oriented Tier 3, We can upgrade our weapons till tier 3, and it make sense that we can do it now, in this version they gave us.

As it makes little sense to add more iron ore in this version, i think the best solution to this frustrating issue is that SOMEONE could sell us RAW iron and any other rare tier 3 materilas like whool cloth, soft leather etc (but in a RAW form, not refined), at an expensive price, as we do quite a lot of money in the Crucible, and for the rest (tier 1 and 2), we collect our own resources and refine them ourselves, as it’s reachable.

Like that, we remove this frustrating issue and we are still using refineries, which is the goal of the devs.

Just one dedicated NPC to this EA version, that can then be removed as all the missing links will arrive in the picture, or make it be sell by an already existing NPC…

I think being able to buy the tier 3 materials is a good idea. At least for testing purposes, until we can progress further and get more naturally. It can always be patched out later.

I like the idea of buyable endgame materials in general. It gives you a gold sink, introduces economy and enables you to play the way you want, as long as you gain money in some way. Buying materials does not have to be efficient though, I think farming the materials directly should always be the most efficient way to get them.


I agree with the issue statement of silver scarcity partially.

But disagree 100% with the proposed solutions.

Most likely a new area will be added where silver deposits appear more frequently and this change is in anticipation of that. We are currently over leveled and over geared for the relative challenges. I think vendors not selling ingots is a good change. Overall, I think the changes are good, but there was some oversight else it wouldn’t trigger such a reaction from the community.

The biggest oversight:

It costs 10 silver ingots to upgrade one piece of equipment and then some. Reduce this.

Smelting issue. If I have a T1 blacksmith, then sure I can see it taking longer to smelt silver, a T3 resource. But I do think it would be better that as I upgrade the blacksmith, smelting timers go down. Ideally to something like 5 minutes per silver ore. We could even do a poll on this.

They changed one thing but forgot to balance other systems around it.


The oversight was to let people see the tier3 upgrades at all. :smiley:


While I agree that silver is a problem, the problem lies deeper, with the fact as you mentioned, there is no reliable T3 mat farm location. Bear Paws, Silver Ore and Boar Tusks are all T3 upgrade/crafting mats that I’ve had problems with and the only way to get them is rare drops from crucible, a couple silver nodes in the overworld and the general store at random.

I personally don’t think T3 materials are in a good spot right now which is pretty bad when you consider you need them to upgrade/craft gear in the higher upgraded tiers.


They should have added the t3 nodes / loot tables when the next zones opened. Hind-sight being 20/20 and all…

It so hard to take things away once you give them. They should not up the rates, loot tables or nodes.