Since the latest patch, it’s now pretty much impossible to make progress towards upgrading your gear, two silver mining nodes on the whole map or VERY LOW drop chance from the crucible.
It’s a very dumb decision to make at this stage of development, I’d understand if nodes readily available to be mined, the grind doesn’t bother me, the lack of resources does!
Ingots need to be returned to the blacksmith vendor until more nodes are available…
That was already the case. You needed the blacksmith to be level 3 for Silver Ingots.
Meaning you needed and still need to go farm copper/iron ore and pine/spruce wood to upgrade the blacksmith. Or any other vendor for that matter
Agreed. It’s okay to make player earn resources instead of buying them, but then you should provide such possibility.
Same with birch planks. I would say it’s even worse, since the only birch trees that you can chop are in the Sacrament. And if I’m right everything that you can gather from Sacrament do not respawn at all. So you always need to create new realm, which is a very quirky way of gathering resources.
Shucks, I forgot how it works. If they wanted to limit the rate at which we gain silver ingots (cause I do agree that it becomes trivial to just buy the amount needed whenever upgrading) they really need to find some sweet spot. It was too easy back then but it’s become too difficult now. There’s only 2 silver mining locations as far as I’m aware (one in the quarry and one in the cave). Both hard to reach places.
Maybe instead of adding more silver nodes there could be an upgrade path. Like adding an ore exchange vendor where you could trade 20 iron ore for a silver. Works the other way too where you need copper for a new weapon but don’t want to go back to the early map to grind but you have a mountain or iron ore so you can trade 1 iron ore for 2 copper.
I agree that right now farming for silver is horrible. BUT, you should also consider that we’re technically not meant to access tier 3 items/upgrades. We do because this is early access, and crucible was made playable to give us a taste of the endgame.
Yes, farming for silver is bad, but realistically we should also have little need for silver at this point of the story.
I think could be a good idea to add 2 or 3 silver nodes in the crucible, with some birch trees. Wouldnt be that abundant, would require some effort and still need wait the refining time.
Because I think they forcefully push forward a “late-game” state for the game, to give the crucible more sense. Or it’s just an innate feature of the crucible that once you unlock it everything scales up to its level. Who knows. Still, that kind of scaling isn’t reflecting what will be like in 1.0 I believe
There’s two, you missed one in the center of the cemetery. If you need to farm them, wait for a save to happen before harvesting the birch. Check your realm saves for a very recent (within the last min or two) save you can load up where you are certain the two birch are ready to be harvested. Load into the game, harvest the two, then go back to the realm selection, and load that last save. Harvest again, rinse and repeat.