Difficulty Settings in a good way

Difficulty settings are a somewhat popular topic.

I’d like to discuss how they could be implemented in a good way. I think there is potentially room here.


I am generally opposed to difficulty sliders, but I think it is still a valuable topic to discuss. Whether or not it is implemented, maybe we can collect some ideas and evoke some inspiration on how it could be done well.

“Good” for me personally would mean, that none of the games mechanics become obsoleted by easier difficulty settings and play styles remain viable for harder difficulty settings. Ideally difficulty settings respect both skillevel and also available playtime of the player. Also I would love it, if seamless multiplayer across different difficulties is possible.


I’ll propose a somewhat simple option from my pov:
Give the option to reduce/increase enemy density and possibly to increase/decrease experience gain for the player within the campaign only.

  • No mechanics become obsolete
  • The economy is mostly unaffected (though I personally don’t like balancing around multiplayer economy)
    → Would be affected only at the very start of the game as some players progress faster. If seasons were to be implemented, the options could be disabled for a couple days to allow for racing
  • Respects both, the available time and skill level of the player, when it comes to finishing the campaign
  • No effect on the endgame
    → The people that want a challenge would just breeze a bit faster through the campaign and focus on the endgame (what they do most of the time anyways)
  • It’s easy to understand
  • Should be somewhat easy to adjust
  • Could be fun to test one’s build/strategies against more enemies
  • Makes multiple characters per player more viable (they get into the endgame faster), which i personally really like
  • Could work well in multiplayer as exp is character based and number of enemies could scale with number of players as well (much prefer that over enemies simply being stronger anyways)

Additional independent option

Give us an optional “God-/Storymode” toggle, that is obvious and may be reserved for single player only. An option, for when you truly become stuck or tired, suffer from a disability, or just want the story experience

What do you think? Have any other ideas? Feel free to comment and discuss.

Thank you for your time :pray:

Links of topics mentioning difficulty sliders:

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not that i do not like the ideas, but did we really need another difficulty thread? i think it would help your guys cause if you would consolidate all threads and points made. otherwise they will all just get “lost in the woods”

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Good point. Any suggestions for a good approach?

We could of couse link them here and vice versa. Or would you go with a “Mega Thread” approach?

honestly, not sure. i would maybe check for the thread with the most votes and replies, and consolidate everything there.

these are the ones with the most traction so far i think:

I get your point. I still think it is still valuabe to distinguish between topics and it feels bad/unintuitive to upvote a thread with the wrong message. Linking also seems intuitive. Trying both.

Thanks for the advice :pray:

Yeah I really don’t think another post is necessary like Chemileon said not to mention that first post you linked is just a crap one. That person said it straight up they just want a story mode they don’t want the experience of the game at all and they kept pushing back against any helpful advice. Least useful player for feedback for the devs & genre as a whole.

well i appreciate the efford. sometimes i find it so exhausting reading the same suggestions in 10 different threads, that i just don’t have any motivation left to answer the same thing again and again.

and i would also never say a post is crap :wink: while everyone is allowed to dislike suggestions, i think a respectful tone is still mandatory. no offense!

maybe we as a community can work together, to bundle our ideas and make this forum more efficient.

Im against any difficulty slider in a soulslike game, specially one that will have coop and pvp. I got my as-s handed to me by Worrick 5 times before i killed him with my 1st character and not once did i think he was unfair or impossible, these people need to train parry, dodging and memorize his moveset, but no, its easier to create a thread and whine about it.

Sorry, but did you even read the thread?

I am not a fan of difficulty sliders myself. But if they were to implement difficulty options - What would be a good way to approach them from your pov?

Sorry, mispositioned the links.
Put them at the end, to make it clearer, that there are there only as a frame of reference, that there is interest in the subject.

This posts purpose is to present a different angle on the topic. One which hasn’t been picked up yet, at least not to my knowledge.

Think about the issue creatively instead of somewhat binarily.
→ How instead of Yes/No