Difficulty selector

Hello, sorry for my English.
I wanted to suggest a difficulty selector or being able to choose the damage you deal and the damage you take.
There are people who find it easy or difficult and this way you can give more options for everyone.


I’m really struggling with the combat and can’t seem to beat the first boss, I would appreciate a lower difficulty if possible

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This topic is somewhat a box of pandora… better do not open it too wide :wink:

The game is quite difficult in the beginning and gets much easier with progress. (This is not only a skill thing, also for a skilled player i think it is much harder at the start without good gear). Hopefully this will balanced a bit in the future.

Some tips:

  • 10 points in life are your friend :wink:
  • parrying is hard, if you have trouble, evade instead.
  • evasion activates on button release (imho a bug)
  • you can buy a bow from the guy you rescued

Don’t parry, just dodge attacks, throw bombs as many as you can, and don’t let yourself become too heavy or your fat roll will kill you.

And @eddumix the game is harder at the beginning where it forces you to learn the mechanics. Once you unlock every mechanic in the game as long as you’re smart & patient you can make the game easier & harder depending on what you’re willing to sacrifice. But yeah no I hate the idea of a difficulty option personally

I’ve finished what’s available so far, I’ve even killed echo knight. I have improved a lot playing and with new equipment. Even so, I consider that the difficulty curve goes up too much in the crucible and much more so with the final boss. Furthermore, they are constantly nerfed op equipment, further complicating the situation for those who do not have as much skill. So I don’t see the problem in providing help to whoever needs it by allowing them to lower the damage they receive, for example.

It might surprise you, but i am actually on your side with that. :wink:

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I made this suggestion in another topic:

Normal: people new to the game/genre
Hard: people looking for a challenge and veteran gamers
Ironman: sweaty tryhards
Custom: dads who work 9-5 who just wanna chill

We could have various settings to tweak from damage, to crafting timers and resource drops.

Maybe even a “Story” mode aswell

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My issue with “the crucible is so much harder!” is that it’s an OPTIONAL ROGUELITE DUNGEON, it shouldn’t be easy and it even costs a rare resource.

Every person I’ve seen say it’s hard mention the crucible, every time I have to tell them that it’s completely optional and the most obvious skill check. You can beat Warrick naked with fists by constantly healing, you are not gonna be able to do that in the crucible, it is a skill check in every way from preparation to actual gaming skill.

I especially believe this when the crucible will have more settings/features to randomize the run. If you make a difficulty option it won’t just adjust the Crucible it’ll adjust the overworld too and that’s just stupid IMO, because like I said you yourself depending on time spent with gear get to choose how easy the game is. If you really wanted you could go to Riven Twins with T3.9 gear & trivialize the fight.

I’m not a soulslike apologist but what not having a difficulty did for games in this generation is made people realize the difficulty can be baked into the gameplay. You can optimize the playstyle you like through trial-and-error to bulldoze through any enemy so long as you’re not completely dumb and it will persist.

The problem with nerfing the difficulty isn’t that it just makes it “more consumable” for anyone to hop in it directly affects the gameplay loop. If enemies die so easily that you never need to think about gear then that goes against the entire design of the game. You will never farm or grind or enchant

But it is not about nerfing. It is about a difficulty that is selected by a single player for the few players who he wants to have in his realm.
Anyone else is not affected.

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yes and that affects the design of the game as you interact with it. Making a difficulty option is nice in theory until the difficulty is so low that you don’t actually play the game at all, you’re playing a bastardized version of it. I think a difficulty option in a game like this is especially important because it’s not JUST an ARPG or JUST a soulslike. It has so many systems interacting with each other that difficulty is necessary to balance them. If you never grind, never farm, never enchant you never interact with the environment meaningfully or shopkeepers. You’ll never realize how smart the food system is because the buff system is akin to Monster Hunter preparations once you get to T3. You miss out on entire mechanics & design choices.

Then play it on “regular”, instead of “baby”, because “regular” were the difficulty everything is balanced around. If someone wants to play on “baby” that might have a reason, so why force anyone?

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Not everything needs a difficulty option just for the sake of it. As I already said the difficulty is built into the gameplay of the game, why do you want more options that’s just extra math? Extrude this logic to anything and it falls apart. Should I have an option to disable stamina, give me infinite focus, etc, etc.

The reason I disagree with your guys idea of difficulty options is that it’s just modifiers to things like enemy damage & health which will make the gameplay loop/design nonexistent. You just want math to make the game worse. If you can come up with intentional gameplay changes that make the game easier THAT I am on board with, that I think is something worth pursuing.

Well… here we are:


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But what difference does it make to you if someone plays easier? Stop meddling in other people’s lives and let them play however they want. And you play however you want! It’s that simple!!!

I don’t like your arguments in any thread I’ve seen of yours. All your points are “because I want to” and then you pretend you speak for the playerbase I have never seen you raise a single point about the gameplay loop, the design of mechanics, or how you would change the modifiers of affixes/rolls/infusions. You’ve beaten EK but all of your activity I’ve ever seen just points to the fact that you looked up the most OP builds and steamrolled him because you don’t like the difficulty.

You act like people in here are gatekeeping the game that’s not the issue the issue is there is a vision for what the game should make you feel and how to progress and you want to disregard that vision. What you want is the equivalent of being able to fly in BOTW just because you find traveling monotonous. Making an easy mode is one of those things that inherently destroys the vision of the game AND creates more work for the devs with no positive outcome. There is an entire paradox around too much choice & users being stupid. There are entire studies done on how if something is too easy some participants will choose it, be unsatisfied, then blame the product.

If there is an easy mode, it could lead to people farming endgame gear in easy mode, and then hopping into pvp with their ez pz farm gear, stomping others, who grind in “normal” and take longer to acquire the same amount of loot/ingredients.

I am not against it, i think souls likes are wonderful and i would be happy if more people could enjoy them. But there has to be another way.

  1. we need more features to make it easier to play for people with motion sickness, color blind people, or any other people that are handicapped in one way or another. Button remap was a step in the right direction, but there are still things missing: colorblind mode, camera sway off, particles and flashes off etc.

Then when the devs decide to give an easy mode option (don’t give it 10 different difficulty settings, it should be “normal” (as is intended) and maybe an “easy” mode. that’s it.) there should be rules:

a) items should not be allowed to cross from easy realms to normal realms, same goes for characters. And the other way round of course too.

b) drop rates and drops have to be adjusted, so that all gameplay features are rewarded in easy mode. otherwise, as already mentioned here, people on easy might just rush through without fully using the enchantments, crafting, grinding crucible for hours etc. And that would not do the game justice.

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It may seem strange to you but I agree with you. I’m not looking for a way to farm gear to screw someone else in PvP. Just play my way. It’s okay to open your mind. There are many ways to make this possible without harming others. It’s simply about being more open with other ways of playing.