Cerim Crucible path

Hi everyone, isn’t there a way to avoid 8 paths of the Cerim Crucible and fight the Boss? It’s terribly boring to do 8 Paths before meeting the Boss

this has been discussed in multiple threads (see below)

the crucible, as of now, is not how it is planned to be. there will be a larger update coming on the 25th. not sure what will be in the update, but in previous posts it was mentioned, that the crucible will get a rogue like type of systems with picking up perks on the way and probably more changes.

please refer to the other threads about this topic:

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at the moment, due to glitches, it happened to me that before entering the boss, for example, standing at the elevator, you can press Alt + F4, then start the game and it will load immediately from the boss, if you die, then going down again in the elevator, I was immediately thrown to the boss, but sometimes it does not It worked, go ahead :melting_face:

I wanted to open another discussion to raise awareness among developers, maybe they look at the forum :slight_smile:

i think it helps the most to consolidate feedback, instead of opening countless threads. we do not want the feedback to get lost in the flood of threads, do we?

And also, the next update will be crucible focused and come out in less than a week, so i recommend waiting that out, and IF there are further improvements to suggest, to give feedback then, in one of the threads that already lists multiple quite productive suggestions.