Hello there,
Here’s a quick post talking about how the Crucible could be made better in the future based on how it currently plays and what we know the devs want it to be.
Currently, the Crucible has 7rooms + the boss room and loot room. You always have to clear those 7rooms in order to get back to the boss, which is not only annoying at first when you want to learn the fight, but since there is only 7rooms, and you have to clear them all once, it gets old real quick. So here’s what I propose :
Make The Crucible Only 5 rooms before the boss. You would see 5/7 of the rooms, getting to the boss is faster and it won’t always feel the exact same. Once they’ve added 2-3 more rooms to the pool, it will feel randomised enough and most people will be happy.
Furthermore, The lift is currently surrounded buy torches that lights up when you activate the altar, indicating the lift is unlocked… Just make the pressure plate of the lift have a blue/red rune light up on the lift and replace the Torches by Podiums where Cerims can place “Memories”
Memories would be obtained by killing the boss of the Crucible, he would drop one of many upon death and you could place it on one of the Podiums surrounding the lift. How would they work…? Well, as a Rogue Like, adding additional variations and challenges to your Crucible run.
(I went with Memories since it seems to be a big theme about the Echo Knights and the crucible in general)
Memory of the Labyrinth :
Adds 5 extra room to clear before completing the Crucible : +15% Gold Earned +10% XP Earned
Memories of the Berserker :
Enemies gain additional Armour, Health and Attack : + 25% Gold Earned + 15% XP Earned
Memories of the Horde :
More Enemies will be present in every map : +20% Gold Earned + 10% XP Earned
Memories of the Cleanse :
Enemies Drain Focus on hit : + 10% Gold Earned + 10% XP Earned
Memories of the Plague :
You are permanently afflicted by the Plague Status : +30% Gold Earned + 30% XP Earned
And so on, there is really just about an unlimited amount of ideas devs could insert here, There could be anywhere from 4 to 6 podiums, allowing you to mix and match different Memories to change the level of challenge to your run, keeping them fresh and making them harder and more rewarding for those who’s builds are quite literally breaking the game.
Heck, they could even make little secrets where let’s say, combining certain Memories together unlock a secret Boss Fight at the end with unique loot or other crazy ideas for the community to discover.
Now, Thomas has been saying that he wants to introduce a Rogue Like element that allows you to chose a perk at the end of each room, making you grow in power and build you up in unique ways. This also sounds cool, but they would need to make each following room much harder than the previous as we are already far too strong for the crucible, getting any stronger doesn’t sound very interesting to me…
What do you guys think? What would make the Crucible more enjoyable and replayable to you? Let me know down below.