Stop nerfing the game

I am certain that this will come… more precice enchantment crafting.
There is already an unused “crafting table” at elanors.

No matter what you tell them, they have nothing but their dogma: nothing can stand out, everything has to be nerfed, everything has to be difficult, there can be no other way to play than theirs and if you don’t like it, don’t complain.

Thank you, we’re in the process of examining it thoroughly.

My brain hurts after reading some of these comments.

Glad to see most people have common sense in this topic and understand why the nerfs happened; and why they should keep happening.

The more they add to the game the more likely they are to ‘break’ their game. So naturally stuff needs to get nerfed and buffed accordingly.

Standing still in a corner for 30-40 seconds stunlocking the Echo Knight by pressing 1 button is not desirable gameplay. ‘‘BuT iT’s FuN tO dO tHiS’’. I genuinely don’t care about this type of fun. It is similar to people using console commands or cheat engine, to trivialize things.

What we need are more affixes and ways to play our character. Not the same meta build where everything is rune spam. Let people have AA-based builds, charged attack builds, hybrid builds and then healthy rune spam builds; I’m sure people can think of more builds.


Maybe I am not expressing myself correctly.
I only think that a player, when he reaches end game, and this is our case because end game can be reached in like 10 hrs, if he plays 100 + hrs it should be normal for his pg to be OP. That does not mean that it needs a nerf. Normally when you reach end game the more you play the more you become powerful. Thats all. In our case, getting all the right purple items to become ‘OP’ the player needs to spend a lot time and he should be rewarded for the grind. Thats all. Its easy to say: ‘get all purple items that make you gain focus on damage’ but the reality is that its extremely exhausting to find those and you need a ton of grind.


No, you are on point ;), but maybe the first who expressed it adequately

Romolo, I understand your point of view, I do. I see that you don’t think creating a build which stun-locks the Echo Knight into submission desirable.

The thing you need to understand, even if you don’t like or agree with it, is that others enjoy giving the Echo Knight an ass kicking, especially after getting their ass handed to them on countless occasions. Many people think that is the whole point of the game is to become as strong as you can and the beat the biggest, baddest boss in the game.

I can appreciate both points of view. So, whilst I don’t think you guys can resolve your differences, I think in the end, the challenge for the devs is to find a middle way, which will allow players to be powerful but also require skill to overcome the challenges of game. But ultimately, the game need to be fun either way.


No I don’t have to understand that because your argumentation is flawed. Overriding the core combat loop in the previously mentioned way is not ‘‘giving the echo knight an ass kicking’’, it is cheesing the ENTIRE encounter. And, not just his encounter but any other boss encounter. That is something you need to understand.

Defeating the Echo Knight can be done in a healthy manner by responding appropriately to his mechanics. I don’t mind players finding ways to overcome certain mechanics or using runes to skip a mechanic. But, overriding the entire encounter; Nah.

You can defeat Warrick almost entirely by simply parrying. I am fine with that since it is skill/timing based.

I am not arguing that there shouldn’t be a power progression or a power fantasy. There has to be, but, it has to come into fruition in a healthy manner where players still need to respect the majority of boss mechanics.

Your free to believe that ignoring every single boss mechanic is normal.

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Leave it, there is no way with certain people. If you don’t have his vision of the game and life, your opinion is not worth it. I am left with the fact that there are more people who share my opinion.

Here’s a massive problem I have with some of the people in this thread so far is their arguments for not-needing nerfs are in bad faith. They do not want to extrude their train of thought for later in the game, they act like everything can be OP now and it’s fine until release and that they play the game fairly otherwise. That is not at all what they’re doing, both people for the nerfs I’ve seen in here have several threads advocating for making the game easier + simpler in general and they cannot and will not try to apply how that affects the gameplay each expansion. They are not approaching the game from a game design/programming standpoint they just want the game to bend to their whim and give them dopamine RIGHT NOW.

They write like they’re only using the OP rune + focus builds just to farm echo knight and that is terrible faith/logic. They expect me to believe that with all the arguments in this and other threads they will drop those builds once The Breach drops and go back to a precision ARPG. Everything I’ve seen here reads not as players trying to give feedback but players trying to change the game to suit whatever they want. They’re not playing the games on a game’s terms, an analogy is it would be like people who played BG3 and said it would be better as a realtime Action game. They completely miss why nerfs are necessary in EARLY ACCESS, the most prime time to see how the math of affixes affects builds.

And this is what bothers me the most in an actually angry manner, they are pretending like these OP builds don’t exist anymore because of the devs meddling like they’re scooby doo villains. You put on ONE plague ring and you can facetank EK for all he’s worth with even the most basic sword. These builds they’re scared of still exist & are viable they are just gaslighting the community into believing they don’t.


Behold the majority of people who share his opinion. Oh, wait the majority of people in this topic disagree with him. Unless 20% is the majority :upside_down_face:

Plus those “please stop nerfing XY” threads have pretty much only the same 2 or 3 supporters.

see vote above.

I can really understand that if you found something broken and it gets fixed, you might be disappointed. But being all loud about it will just not change how things are and work. Everyone is allowed to say their opinion and make suggestions. But suggesting the same thing 100x does not make your opinion more right or wrong.

During development nerfs and fixes are unavoidable. And that’s about all there is to say. There is just no way around it, especially with multiplayer on the way.

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As a dad, I can tell your that you should never try to reason with your 9yr old about why another slice of cake isn’t a good decision.

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This is the perfect analogy for what they’re trying to do and I can’t believe you came up with it. You’re an absolute legend for this roast

Curiously, what these posts you comment on have in common is several of you saying no to everything :wink:

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The big difference is she’s not saying the same thing on 3 different posts trying to gain attention and traction. She’s interacting with posts about difficulty, mechanics, bugs, & suggestions. All of our history is available to anyone we can all dredge up each other’s post history and see what patterns emerge and yours and 2 others is you want to make the easier & easier & simpler & simpler. You are not giving ideas, you are essentially asking for the removal of game design philosophies.

Everything you say is "it can… ", “the devs can…”, “the player can…”. I can jump off a 5 story building and survive but it’s not productive. I already mentioned in that other thread I think game difficulties based off just making the game easier don’t work and elaborated why you have never ever made a counterargument.

There are several quotes of questionable attribution coming to mind…

“Never argue with a fool, onlookers might not be able to tell the difference.”
“Never argue with an idiot, they’ll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

Carlin, Twain, who knows? It’s best to ignore the whiny children. I’m quite certain the devs won’t be paying any attention to them.

I would never think of arguing with you

I cant believe you fell for that, lol.

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Now you are just being rude! You shouldn’t be part of this conversation because you can’t be reasonable and listen to other people. You only want what you want. Hell to everyone else.