Stop nerfing the game

This is my honest opinion. Nerfing everytime someone finds something cool that can in some way op him is wrong. I think the devs should focus on the game performance. Trying to balance the game after we’ve played only one chapter is wrong.

Now getting life regen is difficult and it regens so slowly. Also all the other nerfs on life and focus still for me were wrong. You just need to improve the game performance (greatly) and try to listen to what players propose to improve the overall experience.

when the devs will release the full game, only then they should try to give some balance if its really needed.


There is food for recovery health, there is a spell/rune for recovery health, in addition to some gains from the on-hit/kill.

The affix/regen shouldn’t be so strong that it makes the entire mechanic of food and spell/rune healing obsolete.

Combat should be engaging, and the aspect of managing your recovery as part of combat is one of those things that makes it engaging; instead of just a spam attack fest.

Balance requires adjustments. The devs will start with a value, and some of those will need adjustments. Please stop getting married/attached to numbers (or power) in early access.

I personally do not want this game to become the spam-fest that Diablo is for instance. And if the devs do not reign in over-tuned aspects that remove management/decisions from the gameplay, it will go in that direction.

  • we already have a lot of options for click-fest, instant gratification, numbers go BRRRRRR, meaningless or low weight choices games. I do not want this one be just another in that list.

  • EA is exactly where you balance, this is not a full game. If you do not want to test and deal with edges, wait for 1.0 or even 2.0

  • “OP?” there should never be a version or choice or option that is clearly better than another. That’s a “meta” and we’ve been trying to eliminate them for 25 years or more


How do you make a precision combat game if one attack regenerates your entire health bar. You’ll adapt let them make a balanced game instead of letting a player sit there and kill a boss with an ez reflection build.


I don’t know… I just hate the idea of peeps CHEESING focus regen like this is Diablo 2, circa 2002 with Feral Druid melee-mana-regen cheese.

Really, I hate it. I did it then, i hated it back then. I hate seeing that it’s EASY to do in this game and I refuse to game this way. It doesn’t feel great and feels broken.

Sorry, but I disagree OP, abused mechanics, (I’m looking at you focus builds,) that take away from X, or Y aspect of the game entirely should probably be TUNED down or Up to allow for better cohesive balance between all other game mechanics as much as possible…

But alas, this is just my OLD-Man opinion.


I think the game is at it’s best when it has you “work” for each kill. Once you can spam runes or life gain on dmg it starts to become a brain dead click fest and we already have plenty of those. This is EA and things will always be in flux.

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I guess i’ve haven’t explained myself clearly so i will try to elaborate more on the problem.

I dont want the game to be easier at all. I really think the game should be hard AND the game is hard when you start from scratch. The game gets easier when you start accumulating money to go to the enchanter and spam enchants to get what you want. This is the premise and i really thing that a game should work that way. The game we are playing is only a small (hopefully) part of the entire game. That means that because we did only one chapter it should be normal that when you accumulate money and spam enchants that a certain point you should become overpowered. That because the game is limited. For the same reason that when the full game is released, players that play alot, finish the game and grind should be able to grow their toon to a point that it becomes op and that SHOULD be the case. It shouldn’t be the case that because there are people that are investing a ton of time on the game, if the find the right enchants they should be punished because the are too powerful. At the end of the day when you reach the end your only option should be to start over AND if you played alot before, even in this circumstance you should be capable of having the life on easy mode. Thing that already is present in the game because there are people that actually can take a toon a boost it to level 20+ if not even to 30 just by drinking potions and then they can fully dress them. Even this could be viewed as “making the game easier”, but at least in my opinion it should be doable.

All that said, we dont know if a build that is op now would be op on full release. So, to end my point, what i was trying to get at is that the devs should just try to focus on improving the big issues of the game like grafics performance and other stuff that has been disucssed so that they could actually move faster for the completion of the 1.0 game.

On the other hand if the excuse of ‘making the game perfectly balance right from the get go’, the devs should release the full game with all the chapters and then see what happens. At that point they could actually start making balance changes.

But as I said this is my opinion and would like to stress the fact that I also enjoy the hardship of the game, but remember hardship doesn’t mean being frustrated by some mechanics that dont really make sense.

Thank you and have a great day

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Man, you’re talking as if ONE SINGLE developer in a room is working on the game, and they cannot work on balance changes in addition to other things.

C’mon… you really think it’s an either or choice on what they can improve?

I think a character hitting lv20+ or max (lv30) and beating or steamrolling enemies / end-game content is fine; the player earned their experience, they should rightfully be well equipped or have well understood mechanics and enemy patterns to move through content at a good pace. Sure, no problem here.

I mean, the player SHOULD be allowed to tackle content at an easier time maxx’ed out.

My issue OP is, stupidly broken focus/health regen builds whereas, lv15 and below in cloth with a dagger or katana can cheese everything in the game without maxing out everything because they clearly exploited WEAK/ABUSIVE game mechanics that are unfinished.

Yea, it looks bad. It’s cool they learned how to exploit such mechanics but imagine balancing the game around bogus builds that invalidate all various factors in the game - A nightmare.

Also, devs will do what devs do best… As much as they can take on, performance, balance, content, bugs etc.

I don’t understand why they should on ANY one thing, their priority should be their own.

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I agree with you Dumar, i guess the problem resides in the mechanics of the game. The devs thought that the real awesome weapon would have been the legendary, while they made a boken mechanic that negates the good of legendaries to prioritize purple items.

That should honestly be fixed. I also feel that the game should allow both life regen and focus regen mechanics, they just need to fix it. For the katana problem that you metion, you are right that must be fixed.

For the same reason i dont get why there are purple weapons and armor, but no legendary armors.

On what the devs should focus, obviously they can do what they think is better, however i just expressed my worries because 6 hotfixes and a patch have only made performance issues worst. Maybe that does not concern you because everything runs perfectly, but for me that is having big problems with an rtx 3060 I honestly would prefer they could focus on what i consider a main priority… the gameplay.

The performance is all over the place for people some people it made worse & others better. The thing is you saying “don’t nerf” is something I think most people will vehemently disagree with. Why should they not nerf focus & health builds they work just fine still. But now you just need to use more armor & ring pieces to accomplish it, that’s called balancing. Before a single ring let me have infinite focus with certain rune attacks ONE RING. I’m not trying to roleplay as Sauron from LOTR here as the dark lord I’m a warrior not a god.

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Understood for all of your points raised, and yes. We are in agreement.

Now onto Performance.

Performance is crap, lol… The last 6 patches addressed something but its difficult to quantify from an end-user perspective because like you, my performance has ‘changed’ marginally and not at all in various areas or scene changes.

BTW, I’m running a 14700k and rtx 4090, and by no means am I happy about performance with top-end hardware.

My gpu is burning at high wattage just to spit out somewhat decent frames at 4k.

I indeed want them to address performance and I think in less than 48hours, we will get Patch 2 hopefully.

Agree on the life regen. I came back from vacation and didnt read patch notes. Started playing and something felt way off and after i saw the patch notes it all made sense. Revert it back to what it was. If people dont want to use leech, they dont have to. If they do, let them. My 2h claymore build is basically unusable now. It wasnt a godmode people claimed it to be. I felt it was just right against regular enemies and still challenging against bosses, now its just not fun. Kinda lost my will to play.

If or when the wipe comes you might lose everything and have to start from scratch anyways. This is EA. Always expect change. If you enjoy the gameplay than a new character is waiting for you to have fun with. So many builds and weapons to play with!

genuine question here do you have lifesteal on anything else? because health regen builds are still 100% viable what the nerfs was supposed to fix was only 1-2 affixes of regen could keep you topped up against whole bosses.

I swear i had 3% health on damage dealt on my weapons and now its at 1%, i have regen and healing effects on chest, legs and head.

That is exactly what happened, health gain on hit is now 1% or 2%

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Dev time is finite. Even if there are multiple developers, taking one away to do a different task still affects how much work the team can output.

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you didn’t have to do them like that lolol