Focus sucks now, and so does the fueling of runes

You nerfed focus, potions of focus and its really slow generation on hitting, and I don’t understand the mechanic of it. You get a rune put it in the weapon; to use said rune you have to have enough focus to use. So here my issue with this system, what’s the point of Stamina if all Runes in Melee weapons are fueled from focus, stamina is redundant. Noone doing melee builds are using it, because it’s not a fuel source to run a rune. It’s a dumb mechanic. If it goes into a wand or staff its focus fuel based, if it goes into a melee weapon it should by all rights fuel off the stamina. BUT IT DOESN’T. They only item that does this is the bow now, but all the other STAMINA based weapons don’t. And with you slowing down the focus regeneration, you have wrecked the fun of this game. I really don’t know what idiot thought this was going to make the game more enjoyable, you need to sack that person. I am starting to think you are getting off on having the most difficult ARPG game on the market. But if you make it too difficult no one is going to play it. Learn from Diablo $s mistakes they did this early on to most classes and people left in droves because it was NOT FUN. they quickly fixed it and so should you. As for me I am installing this game, because it’s annoying the hell out of me now. And I was really enjoying it.

Just no, im currently playing with a sword that gives me so much focus i can chain special attack during fights, just enchant something until you get the result you want, you will see the difference.
As for stamina being redundant, are you crazy? Stamina is key in every souls game, just pump that up if you dont have the gear to get more during the fight, but without it this will turn into Diablo hack and slash button mashing.
I have a ring that gives 4% stamina on damage dealt, its working wonders too.


I disagree, Focus is quite easy to come by if you do combat properly. Try practicing your parries, thats the best way to gain focus. Read the enemy right, time your dodges, then punish. That should gain you focus. Wicked’s combat is unlike other ARPGs you’re referring to. And by the way you describe things, it looks like all you want to do is rune spam everything in sight. Which is not the way the game is designed.

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Yeah they need to nerf Focus more… Make the base starting Focus 50 in stead of 100 and gain 5 focus per 1 focus attribute.


Ya man you can basically spam focus attacks.

My suggestion would be to incentivize using stamina over focus by adding in affix’s like

Stamina using attacks deal more damage, basic attacks do more damage, basic attacks speed increase, basic attacks can crit,

And as for the bow I think all the bow runes should use stamina. Then you’d have to put points in stamina instead of focus for bow builds and it would balance bow better because spamming bow attacks would mean less stamina for dodge.

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and nerf the focus ring too

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