Hello there,
I played this game as a little more than casual gamer.
First of all I already love this game. The art direction is amazing and this universe seems very promising.
Here is my feedback :
if we don’t use use stamina when running keep it for everytime or choose to lose it when running for al of the situations. I don’t understand why I could run for ever and when an enemy appears, it is now accounted.
Parrying should have a little more large window, how many time I push the parrying button right at the attack and didn’t count because I was a 0.25 second late.
Let us see ennemies before they start hitting : I was discovering map, i heard ennemy saying his sentence, I didn’t want to go further in case of many others ennemies. He starts hitting me with his combo : dead.
Let us use our shield during being hit by ennemies too. Even in Nioh 2 wich I played 80 hours we can parry or dodge an attack during it.
More upgrade weapons or balanced classic mobs. Some mobs are even more resistant than some middle boss.
Healing is up for you to revisit it (so many topics for this
-Well you use stamina in combat so the devs are being nice taking it away while you explore, im playing Lies of P now and it drains all the time when you run, even without enemies around.
-Parry is fine, most souls game are way worse imho, just parry when its about to hit you and learn the enemies movesets, you should be fine.
-That i agree, camera should run ahead of us as we explore, not lagging behind.
-You can use your shield when you get hit but that depends if you have enough poise to not get staggered, so up your poise with better armor, usually heavier so you will need more equip load.
-More weapon upgrades should come with more game content, right now they cant add max upgrades i guess.
-Yes, i agree, put food for buffs and healing off combat, i want a potion, if they put some sort of limit to carried potions like a potion belt that can be upgraded would be good to maintain balance, or people will make 1000 potions and chugg everything during boss fights. No estus though, as much as i like that mechanic i think the devs want a more hands on preparation from us, with crafting.
Parrying is not fine for me, I played dark souls 1 just to see if i can run a game like Nioh 2 and i found parrying more satisfying in Dark souls than in NRW, i take as an exemple the middle boss in the first sewer after defeated the first time Darak. I parry (for me) right at time and… No ! i’m hit. I saw a post of someoe whom I agree. He proposes a frame wth different parrying lvl. Incomplete, good and perfect. This scheme is for me a really good idea. Again, I played Nioh 2 for 80h and it seems lss complicated than NRW.
For stamina it’s simply logical, why do we not use stamina when we’re not fighting and then we use it when an ennemy is nearby ? either one or the other.
I can’t use shield or dodge when an ennemy starts hitting me. I tried with stamina potion, balanced potion, nothing as effect.
i do agree with the parry thing, and said it in many other threads, so i won’t repeat myself. in short, parrying is not as satisfying and rewarding as in other games.
but on the stamina thing i disagree. i honestly found it great. we have to run a lot in this game, as we can only use 1 whisper to fast travel (for me mostly crucible). so dailies, bounties etc. have to be done “on foot”. so i am thankful i can run as much as i like to.
First time i killed the EK was with a sword and board, the shield even took away that plague damage he does, really good, but i was level 30. Shields mitigate a lot of the damage already, they add to your total armor i think, but just when you use them to block, so then can up your armor by a lot, possibly even negating all damage.
Just test it on a low level mob and you will see what i mean, and the devs already said they will implement shield runes, a shield rush will be OP as hell hehehe.