I’m well past using the Cerim armor. You can find better stuff by the time you’re level 21.
Thank you for the report
If you’re lucky. Not me. With some load points it keeps me at normal weight and somewhat beefy.
Yes, but if you got a good roll like i did with 2 pieces you want to bring them up to the next tier. I got mine to tier 2 and lost all those ingredients and the chest piece did not level up. A tier 1 item with a good roll is just as good as a tier 3 item with a good roll once leveled up. Just the tier 3 item will be much cheaper in materials. Plus the cerim stuff is one of the few armor pieces in the game that doesnt look horrible.
Yep, upgrading past T1 doesn’t work. Upgrading consumes mats, but doesn’t increase in stats.
Same problem, the stats doesn’t change
Same. I just ended up tossing it since space is at a premium in this game.
It comes with tier 3 stats already, lvl21 requirement being a dead giveaway. So bug is really it appearing as tier 1.