Cerim's armor still bug

I love the Cerims armor skin, really nice, but needless to say, its useless, after upgrading most part to lvl 3, i never saw any numbers, armor and attributes change, just my stock depleted, now, i tough this could be a visual bug, but i checked in my caracter general stat and it was the same there, no improvement, now, i used rare silver and bear paws in there, so it would be nice to see that corrected, i mean, everybody knows about it on discord, it was reported, i guess you missed all of those, but a hotpatch would be very appreciated

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It comes with tier 3 stats, so the bug is needing to get there. Upgrading through tier 3 raises stats normally.

And armor pieces doesn’t require bear paws to upgrade.

The fact is that as a rewards for the EA it is really useless, nothing special and I can’t use the armor skin for my armor in use (much more efficient)

Upgrading through tier 3 raises stats, after fist upgrade, never seen number change, ok, not bear paws, but ten silver lingot for a poison gift…

why give a broken reward ?