This game is broken

After 60h …Balance is all over the place. This game is to difficult on beginning (I die like 40 time to boss guarding entrance to city) too easy in middle and again almost impossible at the end without some broken items/build. There is 0 chance I would defeat Crucible boss without life on hit rings. Bosses spamming combo attacks constantly(you can’t take swing with 2H weapon ) and taking 1/3 life bar per hit is not good. Weapons are all over the place dagger are OP and 90% 2H of weapons so slow than you can make 3x damager of one 2h hit with the same time using dagger. I really like game and ide of it, but when I look how many thing are broke (90% of rings are not working correctly ) it will take ages to make right. And regarding difficulty, this game will be played by few niche of ppl, average gamer will not die 40 time on firs boss to progress game. And there is issue with UI, crafting, autotargeting, and characters jumping off cliff after pressing SHIFT button… so many thing are broken.


The anecdote that the game gets easier instead of harder and that gameplay during the opening looks nothing like gameplay in the crucible is a common one and I hope more people can come to the conclusion that they prefer the initial state of the game.

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“There is 0 chance I would defeat Crucible boss without life on hit rings”
This is just you are not familiar with the boss’s attack patterns yet. You can easily dodging / parrying most of his attacks, so you can pretty much kill him while naked.

Right now its a pain to retry him as you have to do the whole crucible again every time you die. Some people suggest having checkpoints which would be a good thing.

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Actually I agree, make the way to the boss difficult and if you die on the way, restart, but make checkpoint before boss with let say 5-10 attempts. But Bosses can be tuned, what warry me is how many items/system/mechanics are broken in a game at the moment. I think basic combat is in very good place, but rune and weapons balance etc. are not.

i could not disagree more, it needs polish, but for an EA it’s surprisingly well balanced


What is well balanced? This game is far off from being balanced. Player power creep is immense after you enter sacrament and get a grasp of the systems.

you “end” the game at lvl 15, unless you are using a “broken build” i think it’s totally fine. Power creep begins above 21, when the new gear becomes available and you overlevel the mobs, but that problem should go away when they release more of the content.

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I wish they would’ve locked the content so that we dont overlevel/gear the content we have available.

They could get more valuable feedback regarding balance that way.

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XD, are you joking?
I love this game, but i did never saw such a unbalanced game.
And with Unbalance i dont mean Weapon vs Weapon
I mean Build vs Enemy

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from darksouls to hellokitty online

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not joking, i think d4 and last epoch were worse on release, for EA its ok.

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i think the content is already locked in this EA state, there is only 3 main areas and 1 extra. also level is 30 but will eventually be more

First run through, I got the first boss on like the 3rd or 4th try. Stay back, learn the attacks, get a poke and slash in here and there… EZ. Going full send is the only way I could see it taking 40 attempts.


What I mean is that they should’ve made it so that we cant overlevel the content with out characters until more content is released.

Like me I don’t think everyone is used to souls game… I usually tend to attack more than I parry or defend, too bad

Each time I open one of these post it reminds me countless others …

We had a lengthy debate here.

But like @TeoH said: “I hope more people can come to the conclusion that they prefer the initial state of the game.”

By “initial” he means “first hours of the game” not the first game update.
I have to be precise. :yum:

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there will be balancing for sure (nerfing) and we dont know how hard the futurte content will be

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Toivottavasti yhtä vaikea ku meidän maan taloustilanne.


Bastante complicado criar um engajamento , pois a dificuldade já é hard e faz com que tenhamos, em aglu momento, de desistir, ou se contentar em chegar mais longe possível que se consegue. Precisa de um novo balanceamento.

você diz em balancear para ficar mais fácil?