This game is broken

Bom dia! Sim, acredito que o grau de dificuldade está muito elevado, mas não seria facilitar totalmente, quebrando o jogo para ser muito fácil. Seria algo mediano. Como: nível fácil, médio, difícil e muito difícil. Assim, atingiria o jogador mais casual, o mais hardcore e o mediano. No mais, o jogo está muito bonito e bom. Obrigado.

I think the game is pretty balanced … it does have a steep learning curve with dodge and parry that you have to cover and its not forgiving in the sense that you cant mess up your stats and still do well unless you play perfectly … however i don’t think this has to do with balance… its just simply not a PoE kind of game where you get layers of defense and then face tank bosses… you have to improve mechanicaly as well or ull go down.

Altough i still agree that once you get to the boss room you should get a couple atempts cause having to redo the whole thing just for 1 try is kinda rough

The game is not balanced.

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n sei se é seu primeiro souls like, mas esses tipos de jogos n costumam ter vários tipos de dificuldade. faz parte do apelo desse tipo de jogo

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The game is amazing and it has great potential. But it’s nowhere near a balanced state. Player vs enemies, build(weapons) vs build, rune vs rune, even basic abilities are not well balanced. My favorite example is parry vs backstab. With parry, you need precise timing, make sure the other mobs doesn’t attack you, and high risk. Sure, the reward (stagger & focus) is good, but it’s nowhere compared to the risk, especially when facing new enemies. With backstab, you can just roll indefinitely (it’s pretty much infinite if you don’t abuse it) while invulnerable, waiting for a time to strike (which is a lot), and when you execute it (with far more forgiving time window than any parry) you deals massive damage while being invulnerable doing so. When I did the Plague Doctor bounty, it only needs 3 - 4 backstab while needing about 40 slashes with my dual dagger. All being underleveled. I feel guilty doing it because how OP it is lol.

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Ah, entendi. Não conheço mesmo, acabei interagindo sem conhecer o estilo.