Things I would change/rework/add or like to see

Hi everyone, before I start giving my 2 cents, let me congratulate to Moon Studio for the great work they are doing with no rest for the wicked. This game has a huge potential and I’m here to see what is going to be after some time. I have 109h of playtime right now, maybe too much for a early access game, but I really like to make new builds, try new things etc. I’m also a huge souls game enjoyer and even if this was introduced as a souls game, it turned out to be very different in a wrong way , a lot more confusing with scaling, bonuses, weapon skills ( I’ll explain ) and a lot more. I’ve been thinking on things I would like to see changed, reworked or even added to make the game more enjoyable and understandable. This is just my vision, you are free to tell me that I’m wrong.
Most of my complaints are targeted to the crucible, because is the only late game activity we have right now, and even that has a lot of problems, but I know they are going to change it drastically so most of the things I’ll write in this topic are probably gonna be obsolete in the future.

  1. Most of the golden weapons are bad, not useless but bad (for now).
    I remember the first time I got a golden weapon, it felt like hitting
    jackpot in the first moment but sooner I realized it was not worth it
    the investment, you cannot change runes, add more than one
    gem or enchant them ( Even is this is not the right move). In most of
    the cases a random purple enchanted weapon is a LOT stronger than
    a golden weapon and this is sad because this ruins the euphoria of
    finding one.

    This is an example, I can’t backstab the Echo Knight so that bonus is
    What would I do to improve it ? Add more bonus to some weapons,
    some of the golden weapons have only 2 bonuses, leave one rune for
    build diversity, buff a bit the numbers ( I’m not sure about this, I’ll wait
    for suggestions)

  2. Let us remove runes from golden weapons

    I love “tornado spin” ability but I don’t like this weapon, what can I
    do about this ? Nothing, because I can’t extract it.
    If I have another purple dual dagger with perfect bonuses and I want
    to try it with tornado spin I can’t. I get you want it to be more
    exclusive to golden weapons but as I said before they are bad.

  3. Let us remove Gems
    Let us remove gems, losing them but we can at least get back the
    armor piece or weapon with nothing on it.
    Or like runes let us remove the gem and break the armor or weapon.
    I would be great if we can choose if we want the gem back and break
    the weapon/armor piece of the empty slot and break the gem.

  4. Runes
    As like gems, let us choose between destroying the weapon or the

  5. Gems are bad if you don’t want to enchant a piece of armor or a
    As we know you can choose between a not-enchanted weapon or
    piece of armor with 4 gems or enchanted but with 1 gem. It’s not
    optimal to use 4 gems because even if you can choose the bonuses
    you want, the % is too low compared to when the thing is purple or
    even blue.
    I recommend buffing the bonuses % of the gems when the weapon
    or piece of armor is not enchanted and leave them as they are right
    now when the /// is enchanted. In this way you really have a choice.

  6. Experience gem
    Yeah gem again but please this has to be a troll.
    Why this thing has a negative effect by itself when the negative effect
    is losing a gem slot that you can use for everything else useful in

  7. Bow
    I don’t get the whole bow situation. Why this thing has only 2
    bonuses if you want to enchant it but both of them are useless?
    speed is broken right now, it does not work and weight decrease…
    well the bow is light, very light so I don’t know, I just don’t get it. Let
    us enchant the bow like other weapons. And if this is a weapon, why
    can I only use it in the second hand .I don’t think this has to
    change, I get your idea, but if I want to shoot fire arrows as normal
    attacks with fire infusion I can’t because If I use an infusion it applies
    the effect for the other hand. Yeah there are elemental arrows but
    they work as abilities, I’d like to make with normal attacks the
    physical damage plus the damage from the infusions like other

  8. Mage builds and weapons.
    With the constant nerf to focus builds, mages are in a bad state now.
    Two streets ( one or the other, not both) I would follow to resolve
    this. 1) If you want us to NOT spam abilities and do some autos to
    regain focus why it has to be melee for mages and not like bows
    when you can get focus back from the distance. Have you even seen
    a mage going melee in a videogame? Maybe yes but again this is
    counter intuitive. If I want to go full glass cannon I can’t because I
    have to go melee and get off some autos. 2) Mage’s weapons have
    more focus regeneration built in, a passive ability or stronger focus

  9. Scalings and more information.
    As i said before I’m a huge souls game fan and I feel so strange about
    the fact that weapons have scaling but we can’t see them and some
    of the scalings have really no sense. I associate magic to int
    and faith scalings but this game does not. Why most of the weapons
    that are not correlated to magic at all have faith or int scaling. This
    scalings thing Is more of a question than a complaint, but please let
    me see is my weapon scales with B A or S. Or if they are all the same
    tell me is 0.5 to Str and 0.5 to dex if the weapon scale with str and dex.

  10. More information on the stats screen.
    This is self-explanatory

  1. heavy weight from 60 to 70%.

  2. Crafting
    Crafting is not worth right now, almost useless because it wants too
    much and even if you can craft something you have to enchant it
    and you probably know how enchanting can be frustrating.
    Take this as example, 10 boar tusk, 10??? for a single weapon. I have 8
    in 109h of play time. 2 is fine, or 3 but not 10 and this is just an

    Another example, 12 birch planks? It’s too much even if we could farm

  3. No good clarity on bonuses
    Look at this video. The damage is the same with or without the
    damage dealt increased. And this does not apply with elemental
    damage neither. Focus on damage and health on damage work, so
    I just don’t get it, is it intentional?

  4. Att speed is broken
    They probably know it already but I’ll write about it again, att speed
    is not working. I can’t go for att speed build with double daggers if I
    wanted to.
    This is probably why focus builds are meta right now. Everything else
    is bad and instead of keep nerfing the focus i think it’s better to fix or
    buff other things.

Sorry If I was not clear enough, English is not my first language and I’ve been writing this thread for more than 3 hours so in the final points this can be more noticeable, but still, I really hope it can helps the developers in some way. Feel free to correct me if you want or write your opinion in the comment.
Thanks for reading

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yes on removing runes and gems. Or rather the option to keep weapon and remove rune/gem, or destroy weapon and get gem/rune.

And also yes to everything you said about crafting. We have some brainstorming threads for that specifically already:

And many many more.

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Besides extracting from a weapon, a rune could replace a currently socked one, destroying the old rune in the process. This would be a nice compromise.

I’ll try to respond to each listed point.

  1. Agreed, I’d rather have legendaries have a unique affix that can’t be extracted than full enchant/runes. Let players decide the build and make it a piece of the puzzle.

  2. I want to extract runes freely as well. I think in the future we can get a meta where we mix and match runes to boss fights.

  3. I’d like a disenchanting option where every affix gets removed and we get some enchanting materials. A lot of blue and purple gear that you find in chests is useless.

  4. I’d prefer to just have the rune, but I do want more crafting recipes for weapons.

  5. I disagree here, I think the gems are quite good. Not all of them, but they provide stable effects if you roll high enough. I think the bad rolls on blue’s and purple’s are too much RNG to compete with custom enchants. That said certain blue and purple items outclass custom enchants by a very large margin.

  6. Yeah it is useless.

  7. Don’t use bows so I can’t comment.

  8. I think part of the issue is that combat is designed around melee combat. That said I understand mages and going melee feels weird. Personally, I’d prefer short cooldowns (6-12 seconds) on runes and no focus. So if you play a wizard you are still chaining runes. Some runes can have multiple charges to get that unload feeling.

  9. What I can tell you with the hybrid weapons is that they scale relative to each other. You need to invest an equal amount in both for the best scaling. Otherwise you need to store points and then see how much return on investment you are getting.

  10. Agreed

  11. In my opinion it is fine as it is.

  12. I think if enchanting is less random and has more customization, crafting will feel better. That being said I want to craft more gear. I also would like an option to dismantle gear for crafting resources.

  13. Isn’t that working as intended I don’t see why a sword should increase bow damage.

  14. Yeah.

My topic about enchanting: Enchanting Reworked, Vampire Survivors Inspired Enchanting

My topic about crafting: Suggestion: Deconstruct, Dismantle & Disenchant Gear