Support Rune Suggestions

A while back on Discord Thomas mentioned wanting to bring in the support style of class fantasy. I’m going to suggest a couple of support runes I think could possibly fit Wicked.

  • Damage Ward: You and your allies are granted a shield that will absorb the next X hits.
  • Fiery Presence: While this rune is socketed on your gear, you and your nearby allies have a chance to inflict the Fire status effect (or build up to it). Activating the rune will further boost the chance for a limited time.
  • Negation: Nearby enemies have their Armor/Resistance reduced by a %. Activating this rune will increase the effect for a duration.
  • Warcry: You and your allies temporarily have increases Attack Speed. This bonus deteriorates over the course of the buff.
  • Barrier: You and your allies are granted a temporary shield equal to X amount of HP for X amount of seconds.
  • Fright: You yell at nearby enemies, temporarily staggering/stunning/knocking them down. (Couldn’t decide on which).

Just some simple suggestions.


These ideas a fun and help with co-op, great suggestions

Great ideas! Let me add some basic options, for more group oriented playstyles.

Tank Runes

Unyielding Bulwark: Raise an immovable shield in front of you, blocking projectiles and melee attacks.

Titan’s Roar: Let out a powerful roar that taunts nearby enemies and boosts your defense.

Avalanche Stance: Plant your feet firmly, becoming immune to knockback and gaining resistance to crowd control effects.

Bulwark Charge: Charge forward with your shield raised, knocking back and stunning enemies in your path.

Thorn Fortress: Activate a stance that significantly reduces incoming damage and reflects a portion back at attackers.

Ironclad Resolve: Temporarily become invulnerable to all damage but unable to attack or move quickly.

Zoner Runes

Ethereal Cage: Summon an impenetrable spectral cage, around an area.

Duskshroud: Release a dense fog that reduces visibility and soundnoise in the area.

Frostfield: Creates a frozen area, causing both movement impediment and sustained ice damage.

Lightning Pillar: Place a pillar that intermittently emits staggering bolts of lightning.

Corruption Beacon: Set a beacon that weakens defenses and periodically pulses to apply a debuff that increases damage taken.

Ring of Embers: Summon multiple fireballs that orbit a designated area, that explode on contact.

Static Field: Create a static field that discharges electricity, damaging and briefly paralyzing enemies who remain inside.

Support / Healer Runes

Healing Mist: Release a mist that gradually restores health and dazes enemies within its range.

Purifying Light: Emit a beam of light that heals and dispels negative effects.

Restorative Barrier: Create a barrier that heals allies who stand within it while reducing the damage they take.

Blessed Aura: Emit an aura that increases the health regeneration rate of nearby allies.

Life Bond Link yourself to an ally, redirecting a portion of damage they take to you and gradually restoring their health.

Healing Ward: Place a ward that emits a healing light, slowly restoring health to allies and gradually dispelling ailments.

Guardian Spirit: Summon a protective spirit that follows an ally, absorbing a portion of damage dealt to them, turning it into healing upon the death of the target.

Radiant Shield: Provide a shield to an ally that absorbs damage and briefly blinds and staggers nearby enemies if broken.

Marker / Softener / Drainer Runes

Marking Shot: Fire a shot, that marks the target to increase the damage they take from all sources and make them visible through obstacles.

Sundering Strike: Hit an enemy to reduce their armor, making them more vulnerable to subsequent attacks.

Disorienting Flash: Release a flash of light that temporarily blinds and reveals enemies, making them easier to hit.

Draining Shot: Fire a shot that applies a poison, dealing increased damage and reducing the target’s resistances over time.

Vampiric Strike: Strike an enemy to siphon health, transferring a portion to you and reducing the enemy’s healing received.

Soul Sap: Cast a spell that drains Focus from an enemy and converts it into a temporary shield for you.

Curse of Agony: Apply a curse that deals damage over time and amplifies the effect of other damage over time effects. Stackable.

Curse of Frailty: Apply a curse that reduces the enemy’s movement speed and damage output.

Curse of Weakness: Apply a curse that reduces the target’s damage output and Stamina regeneration.

Controller Runes

Concussive Blast: Emit a blast that knocks back and disorients enemies, reducing their accuracy and movement speed.

Gravity Well: Create a gravity well that pulls enemies toward its center, slowing them down.

Binding Chains: Create chains that immobilize enemies and deal damage when they act.

Silencing Field: Place a field that silences enemies within it, preventing them from using abilities or casting spells.

Plague Grasp: Summon ghastly hands that emerge from the ground, gripping and dragging enemies towards you while inflicting plague damage.

Seismic Wave: Generate a seismic wave that knocks enemies off balance, disrupting movement.

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Wooooow, these are insane, my friend. I love these so much. What I would give for even 1/4 of these to be added. Did you think of these for this post or have you been ruminating on this for some time?


Thank’s a lot for the kind words! :slightly_smiling_face: :pray:

And sorry for stealing your post a little bit :upside_down_face:

Actually, I have been ruminating for quite some time. Not about these Runes in particular, but about different Playstyles and Mechanics that would be nice to have in the game.

For me, its most of the fun in ARPGs and Soulslikes to try out new, often underrated playstyles and making them work. I also love coop and abilities that work best with a team (I prefer to play tank/support roles). Sadly there a not a lot of games that have many of those and I feel Wicked has great potential to not only have a lot of these, but to do them well!

Runes are a great way of introducing new play styles and didin’t think of doing a post of specific ideas, so thank you for that! :heart:

I don’t know if all of these fit Moons vision, but these are some basic options and ideas, they can be adapted and fleshed out. Ideally, imo we have lots of Runes and each Rune creates a play pattern that is distinctly different from others. There are much, MUCH more ideas from where these came from. We can do a little brainstorming session, if you like.

Edit: Actually now that I think about it, we already have a lot of games that do many options and coop abilities well. MOBAs in particular give each character 4+ somewhat unique abilities and those are specifically balanced for multiplayer and PvP. So that shows its totally possible to have lots of options, without a bad PvP/multiplayer experience! Also Wicked can steal some of those :smiley:

If you want you can also look at my posts about playstyles, mechanics and coop. Most of the ideas come directly from there.

Here is another (totally not self advertising) link that is a little related :wink:

In most RPGs we have Skills and Talents that create and shape our playstyle. I do hope that Runes get expended upon in their mechanical distinctions and that there are incentives to use them.

We also need a lot of other system changes to achieve this. Like, freely swapping runes without destroying our weapon. Mix and match runes to bosses like in V Rising. No competition between slotted runes, so we get cooldowns or maybe the runes need to be charged independently like with Enotria.

If we can treat our Runes as Skills to create our ‘Class’ and add Talents upon those, with the planned Talent Tree. I’ll be a very happy camper.

Some of my suggestions for runes:

  • Spartan Kick: with the amount of verticality it would be so cool to just kick some mob of off a cliff.

  • Shield Reflect: redirect projectiles at attackers for an X amount of time.

  • Shield Wall: full block and stagger the next attack.

  • Impaling Stab (For Honor): charge forward with a polearm or spear and push someone of off a cliff.

  • The Long Arm (For Honor): stab an enemy with a polearm or spear and lift them up and throw them behind you.

  • Bullwark Counter (For Honor): perfect block an enemy and throw them over and behind you with your shield.

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these could be cool runes that are more dynamic/interactive than the average for this game, yes, which is something i want

These kinds of suggestions for moves are far more interesting than " support rune that gives all your allies ", so for some of the other people suggesting support runes : can we get some more interactive stuff?? Id prefer to see more mechanically cooler moves, rather than just snowballing bonuses together or huge attribute-debilitate/boost AoEs