Quality of Life Improvements

I’m a few hours into the game, and it’s been fun so far, but there are quite a few QoL issues I’ve run into which should (I think) be easy enough to improve (THESE ARE SUGGESTIONS MADE PRIOR TO THE FIRST PATCH FROM A PLAYER WHO HAS ONLY JUST DEFEATED THE FIRST BOSS (for context):

  1. Clarify that the last whisper engaged is where you respawn. I ran into this issue when I detoured between fights against the first boss - very annoying to back-track by foot.

  2. Allow player to ‘auto-equip’ weapons/clothing when first picked up (click ‘X’ as an option)

  3. Provide an auto-lock when walking on narrow paths (it looks silly to walk over water because the plank is thinner than the programmed area).

  4. Rename the ‘horseshoe crabs’ to ‘crabs’. Aside from the dead ones on the beach, they look nothing like horseshoe crabs. This includes associated recipes.

  5. Allow player to exit early instructions by hitting the start button. The instruction tells them to do this, so having to hit ‘B’/cancel first is counterintuitive.

  6. Allow player to ‘auto-consume’ recipes and XP potions (click ‘X’). Reduces tedium of opening menu each time for something that seems to have no reason to delay.

  7. Shield can be equipped with 2-handed weapons, but then they lose durability upon death. Seems like a way to avoid inventory issues but doesn’t make sense they would lose durability if that’s the case.

  8. Provide a running journal to allow players to read all of the journal pages they have discovered (in case they are rushing through).

  9. For harvesting and choosing whispers, change the tooltip to ‘hold Y’ to avoid confusion.

  10. Allow player to more easily traverse treasure chests. Currently you can get stuck behind chests temporarily - in combat this leads to a quick death.

  11. For first boss fight either have a gate close behind the player or allow the player to get further into the arena before the boss engages. My first fight I was pinned against the invisible barrier from which I just entered - ruins the immersion and wastes an opportunity for the player.

  12. Create outline (faded grey/black) of equipment type in the associated slot. Not necessary for playing, but odd that it’s just blank currently.

  13. Allow players to heal at whispers. Right now, unequipping items and jumping off a cliff is a substitute, but is not fun. May be too powerful in some areas, but option B will always be there.

  14. Provide an ‘auto-buy back’ option of recently sold goods (at sold price). Only for current purchasing/selling initiated transaction.

  15. Allow player to close the start menu automatically when they close the inventory(etc.) menu. There’s no use for it at that point and it can lead to player deaths if an enemy attacks.

  16. Make the ‘kick down ladder’ mechanic automatic. Falling down a ledge and retracing your steps because you didn’t hit Y at the exact perfect spot is no fun.

  17. When water or a chasm separate the player from an enemy, make sure the enemy will leave if the player leaves. In some cases it’s an auto-death because the enemy sits right at the edge waiting for you and only death seems to reset it.

  18. Make vendor more obvious on the map PRIOR to defeating the first boss.

  19. Make sure game remembers the players’ food/potion (up/down) slots when they enter the game. Also, food should default to the highest ranked food available when all of one type is consumed (or highest available without an extra bonus if that’s possible).

Hope this will be read and considered. Looking forward to continuing to play the game as it progresses forward.

I’ve beaten the currently available bosses and ventured on to level 20. Plan to play a bit more before taking a break. I’ve noted several more QoL improvements that could really help iron out the wrinkles:

  1. Highlight the ‘last whisper’ on the map and state the area before fast travelling (e.g. Last Whisper - Nameless Pass). Not a major issue yet, but before long people will be logging in with weeks in-between and won’t know where ‘last whisper’ will take them.

  2. List the recommended level next to the major quests so players know whether they’re committing to a quest several levels above their character level.

  3. Allow the player to manually move/sort their inventory and chests.

  4. Provide a % of damaged reduced (at player level) for armor and resistance. Right now some players don’t even think armor works because it’s not clear or well tested by the player community. (forcing players to go to 3rd party sites to discover how to outfit their heroes is what Diablo does, and it’s REALLY dumb)

  5. Explain how some characters recognize the hero as a Cerim.

  6. Auto combine stacks of materials when split. Right now, if you have a stack that goes up to 25 and you place 10 of that stack into a chest to complete the 25-stack, you are left with 15. But if you have a 2nd stack in inventory, you are left with 2 stacks short of 15 and have to move them into/out-of chests to correct it.

  7. Eliminate multiples of keys or allow them to stack.

  8. Eliminate ember drops prior to the 2nd boss. It’s a resource the player doesn’t need until further on and they take up space and create questions which aren’t answered until much later.

  9. Make fishing more interesting or interactive. Right now it’s a short, but passive, time suck.

  10. Make the damaging purple smoke bombs enemies throw dissipate more quickly. Very annoying having to wait in order to pass after fight is over.

  11. Create something that spawns at defeated boss locations. Packs of random normal enemies are fine. Doesn’t have to be fancy, but somewhat challenging would be nice. (more enemies than typically encountered at a time)

  12. Allow broken stalagmites to drop ore. Fun breaking them but disappointing you don’t get anything.

  13. Allow player to hit ‘Y’ to take ALL materials produced at tanning rack (etc.).

  14. Have noticed whisper locations not displaying on map while in the sewers (may be a bug).

  15. Remove option to add furniture to a hotkey. Can’t imagine the need and allows for mis-clicks.

  16. Ran into a bug that purchased 3 pieces of furniture from a single click. Easily fixed if there’s an immediate buyback/sellback option.

Good work with the first patch - looking forward to see what you guys do from here.