Improvement suggestions

After two playthroughs (one after Patch 1, 30+ hours played), here are my thoughts on how to improve the game. By the way, the improvements you have made so far have already fixed many pain points, like late housing, low durability, and low stack sizes. Good job!

Quality of Life (QOL):

  • Add an option to take all materials from the forge, loom, etc., at once (e.g., press R3).
  • Implement an option to transfer all materials from your inventory to the currently opened storage at once, but only for item types that are already in the target location (e.g., press L3). (See FaeFarm game for an example of how it’s done.)
  • Upon death, provide a paid option (cost increasing with your level) to revive at the current location or the nearest whisper.
  • PLEASE add item comparison! As soon as I hover over an item in my inventory, show the currently equipped item side by side.
  • Add a green endurance bar at the top and provide an option to remove the circle indicators at the center. I cannot see anything in those. Alternatively, allow me to configure the colors!
  • Please add recipes that do not require a second material, especially for herbs. I have tons of meat, crabs, and mushrooms. Can we just get Roasted Meat, Grilled Crab, etc.? They could require two each if needed. Or Surf & Turf requiring one crab and one meat. They could also restore less health.
  • Add icons to the map for ore nodes, chests, fishing spots, and maybe even trees, as soon as they have been harvested/opened for the first time.
  • Improve the indicator on the focus bar for 100/200/… focus.


  • Change the color of enchanted items with penalties to something else. I can hardly tell the difference between them and the normal blues.
  • You mentioned that item stats should feel impactful. I don’t feel this. Most of the stats seem rather boring and insignificant (e.g., +8% Balance, +3% Focus).
  • Penalties are too harsh compared to the positive affixes on items. I’m mostly avoiding enchanting now because I’m afraid of getting some stupid penalty (-29% health, losing XP on damage, etc.). I’d rather use four infusions.
  • Half of the items I find are unusable because the required level is higher than mine, or they have absurdly high requirements on one or even two stats that would take ages to reach.
  • Once you’ve committed to one or maybe two main stats, you’re locked out of using other items. I hope there will be an option to respec in some way, as requirements are often too high in my opinion.
  • You end up saving stat points just so you can use a weapon you might get and would like to use.


  • Can we have a chance of obtaining more than one item per node? For example, 2-3 copper or 2-3 pieces of wood from one node. Or if you use a higher-tier pickaxe on copper, not only should the number of hits decrease, but the chance of getting more ore should also increase… or perhaps tools that can be enchanted to grant higher durability, higher drop chances for base materials or gems, or require fewer hits to gather. Right now, it feels very grindy to gather all the ore and wood needed for town enhancements, particularly since you need ore to enhance your gear too.


  • You cannot sell the new house number 4.
  • If you enter the pass and turn left directly after the whisper, there’s a bridge that’s supposed to be lowered from the other side. However, you can jump over and lower it from the back.


  • Interacting with these is really annoying; the interaction zone is too small.
  • I hope there will be more whispers you can travel to in the future. Right now, there is A LOT of walking.


  • Loot spots that are hard to reach should contain better loot. You climb, fall, climb, finally reach the spot, and all you get are 2 copper… lol.
  • Some of the tougher mobs could drop better loot; for example, the jump scare hidden in the ground or the prison guard are quite challenging but drop nothing or nothing good.
  • I only found one yellow item at the twin boss. Every boss should drop a yellow.
  • Could you remove the ability to sneak where it is not necessary? Especially infront of your house. I ended up pressing myself to the door instead of entering it so many times.
  • Add a description what a rune actually does.
  • Remove NPC text lines in town!
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All good suggestions on QoL

I don’t mean to come off as rude, but, maybe you are slightly colorblind? One is purple the other blue, it’s pretty distinctive.

My first playthrough I did similar; used white items with four gems. On other playthroughs, when I had a better understanding of how much things cost, and how quickly I could farm money, I used the enchant system a ton more.

I think penalties are fine. Not every item has them, obviously.

If you chose to use four infusions, and I chose to use a cursed item that has 8% less experience, system is working as intended. Hell, I ran an item with 23% more damage taken for a good while.

I don’t like that items are gated by both level and stats, should be one or the other.

In most games you basically commit to a stat or two and it defines the entirety of your playthrough. Difference is No Rest is less traditional than normal games, so you have no clue what you’re committing to.

In 99% of games, I can pump all my stats into strength, and be pretty certain I’m going to be able to wield the biggest most badass hammer in the game… Here you need wisdom for that, lol.

In 99% of games, when you make an int build, you don’t picture yourself with a rogue-esc type build, typically associated with dex, yet that can be exactly the case.

That being said, I often wonder if we’re in a bubble being basically guinea pigs. By the time the game is released there’s going to be thousands of guides and videos breaking down what stats allow which weapons, etc etc which is likely how most modern players get their info.

This currently happens.

Yeah… I stopped bothering collecting things that aren’t in a chest 99/100 times they are like 8 copper.

You’ll end up having chests full of the things.

No problem, I actually have red green weakness. :slight_smile: