QOL - Inventory, Produce and Hunts

Congratulations once again for the great work, I am increasingly impressed with the team. Therefore, here are three suggestions for urgently improving QOL that are discouraging me today and I stopped playing for a while:

  1. It doesn’t make sense to have to go to the house to collect each raw material and take it to the benches and merchants in order to produce, upgrade or transform items. Please note that when using benches they consume directly from your inventory, regardless of whether it is in your main or chests. Extremely tiring having to go back and forth as demands for items arise, as well as offerings for challenges or improving buildings.

  2. Increase in the number of stacks per item in chests to 99 or infinite. In my opinion, the fun of assembling the house would be to place the trunks to separate the products by their types, for example, I want to have a trunk just for helmets and another for gloves, but not buy and farm chests to place the same ones. item in different stacks. As well as having some form, whether by being able to change the color of the chest or put a name, identification or personalize it to make it easier to find the item I want to deposit or withdraw. And this goes for all types of raw materials, it’s not cool to have several trunks to store the same bush or soups or crab legs.

  3. You can select all hunts at the same time. Improving storage issues, I take as an example the first 4 hunts that are offered in the city. Instead of returning the entire route carrying out the 4 hunts and returning with all the items to a single storage, we need to carry out them one by one, returning at the end of each one as the inventory is full and as a result the gameplay is becoming overwhelming.

For me, this is the game that surprised me the most in my entire life, it’s fantastic. But after many hours, I realized that I’m spending the same time and sometimes more time organizing and returning to the city to store the items than exploring and having fun fighting. Extremely annoying to play for 15 minutes and have to go back to the city to store everything because it’s already full. As well as taking the raw materials from your chests at home, taking them to the merchants and returning several times. Sometimes you forget something and need to do the same route again.


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I repeat to everyone, this game is the most incredible in terms of exploration, sensational combat, a map connected in a way I’ve never seen before, fantastic enemies and a great story. But we urgently need to improve QOL so we don’t waste time with the points above.

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