Patch Notes - Early Access Hotfix 1

Also here is a devestating bug lol. I bought the manor for 30 silver, then got into the gauntlet, got stuck so decided to load from the last back up which was like 6 mins ago.

So basically what happened is I don’t own the manor, and also I lost the 30 silver. Sacrament literally scammed me xD Jokes aside, it is a terrible bug that costed me some good amount of play time. Hope you guys will fix this issue

Gotta say I’m happy with the durability fix and fall damage adjustment. It no longer feels detrimental to try something new and fail because gear isn’t going to break after 5 or 6 deaths and cost over a silver piece to fix. Game felt much better.


So, I may have just gotten Grandfathered in, but my Corpse Smeared Blade is still Tier 2 - but now it has a STR req of 11. Which feels a little low considering its power :slight_smile:

Lucky me I guess. I did kind of like having it as a reach-goal - a powerful weapon acquired early, with stiff requirements. Just my 2 cents :slight_smile:

I think reducing the durability from 10 per death to 5 per death is a great idea. Please don’t lower it any further. Players need to learn that this game is not Dark Souls and have to re-adjust their playstyle to actually enjoy the unique experience this game offers


We need a lot more tooltips for item cards. Once an item is hovered the card should stay visible so we can move the cursor onto the details on the item card and have the tooltips explain what the icons actually mean. It’s all so confusing right now. In the upgrades menu it should tell you how much your damage is going to go up by, in the enchantment menu it should tell you what the enchantment is gonna change, why is everything so vague.


It’s been 2 DAYS and it’s a friggin staurday, either way nice!!!


Bug fix for Water Channel key boss not spawning please

It seems that loot drops are tied to world progression which is causing a couple of problems.

Past a certain point, clay no longer drops when digging. The only way to get it seems to be starting new realms just to dig it, and you need to use a copper spade.

Once you have completed the story, new weapon drops require an insane amount of stats (like 44 dex). This makes it very hard to gear up for the crucible.

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Interesting, I have a slightly less powerful CPU (5600G) less RAM (16GB) but a 4060 instead of a 3060.

I get more or less 60fps without issues at 900p.

Considering the 3060 shouldn’t be far behind and even has more VRAM, that’s very surprising.

Either way, I agree, DLSS is a priority.
Also please fix the game not launching if vsync from the Nvidia panel is enabled.

please check for the boss that has the Water Chanel Keys becase to some people its not spawning ! :smiley:

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Don’t reduce anything guys! We need to keep the overall difficulty of the game. I also hope that there will be a choice of difficulty in version 1.0

Please increase clay drop rate when you reach higher level, its so bottlenecking upgrade shops!

Please , let it have difficulty options ! Its a bit too hard for many people . I love everything about the game , but if i can choose slightly lower difficulty i will enjoy it 100% more .

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Thanks a lot for the crazy fast patch! Can you add “Exit to Desktop” option in next patch? It would be great!

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With a 5600x 32gb of gkill trident and a strix 4070ti with zero modifications to settings its running perfectly for me @1440p 120hz… i get tiny frame chugs when you enter a new area and it feels like the game is preloading in the background for the first few seconds…after that its buttery smooth for me

@Nekroz420 thats not a flex, what im thinking is if its not your cpu or ram, maybee a gpu setting or something in windows isnt optimized and you might be able to squeeze out the performance you need by optimizing windows for gaming(videos on youtube for how to), looking over your uefi/bios and maybe overclocking/undervolting cpu, and setting up gpu pcie lanes for gen 4 if the 3060 is gen 4 compatible, setting your windows power plan to maximum/ultimate performance, and nvidia gpu settings accordingly(theres videos on youtube how to optimize nvidia settings)

Your resolution is low it shouldnt be that hard to run this game with a 30 series… Im pretty sure my gtx 1080 in my older 2700x system could 1080p this game no problem and a 3060 should be faster than that

I mean i hope it gives you somewhere to start on your side while you wait impatiently for optimizations dev side

This I think is my biggest complaint at this time besides some performance optimizations. The tool tips tell me what the ability is called, but doesn’t explain what it does. I would also like to have a tab in the menu to look at the runes on your weapons to learn what they do with tool tips.

This game is amazing but please don’t make it too easy, it’s so good as is! Especially love the difficulty, crafting and survival elements.

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Edit: Glad to see there are performance fixes coming!!!


May i provide a suggestion to the developers on how to solve the clay situation?

a) make it so that tier 3 level building upgrades dont require Clay and only lumber / ore resources (like level 2).


b) allow clay to be purchased easier / more often.


c) significantly buff the dig node drop table to consistently drop clay.


I posted a farm for clay if you need it: Realm Farming for Clay