This hotfix covers more cases of the Nameless Pass progression blocker, balance adjustments, performance improvements and we snuck in a few more bug fixes!
As always, thank you for your continued feedback and bug reports!
Performance Improvements:
Fixed a leak with GPU Culling
Bounties and Challenges Changes:
Bounties and Challenges are no longer deleted if you choose to abandon them
Added confirmation when choosing to abandon Challenges
Balance Changes:
Adjusted Damage On Parry enchantments
Loot Changes:
Adjusted loot drop rates from chests
Added more furniture to Whittacker’s Shop
Bug Fixes:
Fixed Nameless Pass cranes still not rotating correctly in some existing realms (their position will now reset to default)
Fixed sell value on Raw and Refined materials at vendors still being only ÂĽ of what they should be
Fixed the Channel rune icon not showing up when player has no Focus
Fixed Focus Gain On Hit enchantment text displaying a larger number than intended
Fixed incorrect levels for some items at vendors
Improved collision at Mariner’s Keep Tower area
Fixed typo in interaction hint for Eleanor’s door
Amazing! Love you)
But, what do you mean - * Adjusted loot drop rates from chests?
I’m level 21, I haven’t seen a bear’s paws even once, but I’ve almost collected a whole bear. But he will be without paws… Poor guy
I haven’t seen a dual dagger in a drop since level 3. It’s all strange)
The game is great anyway. 31 hours and i dont stop
I’m a little confused, you adjust the levels of the items on some vendors, why I still need wood garment instead of cotton garment to upgrade my items?
Amazing! You guys are on fire Don’t play too much No Rest for the Devs over there though I’m loving the quick patches, but I hope the team can get some rest, too!
Congratulations on the attention you are giving to the game, but I would like you to put a block on the items, so that we don’t accidentally sell them. Thanks.
Inventory QoL in general is something we are looking into! Just requires a bit more work so we can’t get them out as soon as we’d like, but keep an eye out for those on future patches.
So dose it have anything common with their likely hood of matching the character’s stats? because i started a new char (because of the lack of respec after 23 lvls ) and never got a faith item again, still using the tier 1 weapon xD
would it be a lot of work to maybe add a few more basic weapons to the vendors to buy or as recipes? me as a halberd lover can’t really farm for a good item, i basically just have to rely on the one i found after 40 hours and am stuck with the runes and affixes i have in there now.
The tier of the area you are in does affect the loot you get so yes it does affect the loot you get. So if the weapon you are looking for isnt tier 1 then you won’t get it till you hit tier 2 areas.
Oh, no no thats not what I meant. Even though I’m currently roaming the tier 2 area, and even progressed to the tier 3 area at the moment, I am not getting any faith weapon even though I’m giving my points to faith. So I am kinda… stuck. That was my question: Is it easier to find weapons based on the character’s prioritized stat?
Btw, thank you and the dev team for the effort you guys put on the quickness of the patches. I have never seen this happening in any games I supported through early access. As a game dev in baking, I really appreciate the love you guys give to this game, and I look up to it. Keep up the great work, much love!