Patch Notes - Early Access Hotfix 1

I just want you guys to know that I’ve watched countless trailers to games, many of them for games that really do look great. But I can’t remember the last time I watched a video on a new game and within minutes said “I need to get on this, like right now. This game is something special and I don’t think people even know the potential here yet.” Lucky me the day I watched it was April 18th lol.

I’m playing it, I’m loving it, and I’m excited for it’s future. Thank you.

Don’t know if we can add it to the next one specifically, but we are working on adding this in soon :slight_smile:

this is a you issue, i have a RTX 2070, i7-8700k, 32gb ram and am running at 1440P with near constant 60fps

Is it possible to run the game with 8gb ram???

minimum is 16gb of ram. so it might run, but will probably crash as soon as it runs out of memory.