My Feedback on the eraly access so far


First thanks for a great game. So far I’m enjoying it.

Here are some feedback and wish list.

  1. Add Rune description
  2. Add Gems description
  3. Add hotkey/settings toggle to display stat range in item tool tips so I know I got a perfect roll.
  4. Add Item compare option and a settings toggle to turn it on or off.
  5. Make item tool tip window smaller. I found an item where the tool tip window was so long that part of it was outside of the screen and I could not see all of it.
  6. Increase item stacks at least to 100.
  7. Free teleportation between all whispers, or use Plague Ichor drooped from bosses or some other way to upgrade whispers to permanent one.
  8. Let us use Plague Ichor to reset stats.
  9. I think I get it why weapon requirement are all over the place, most probably so you can switch weapon and play-stile without having to reset you stats, but still when you invest into a stat because you like a weapon type and then you find out the next weapon of the same type require completely different stats it is really frustrating. right now I’m running with 20 unspent stat point saving them for a weapon i may or may not find later.
  10. Early access Cerim Armor, please instead of giving us the armor give us recipe to craft the armor and fix the upgrade issue.
  11. Please give us the option to destroy runes or gems from an item and free the socket so we can use another rune or gem.
  12. I find parrying really hard to find the correct timing, so I go for evading all the time, but this mean I don’t get any benefit from all those parry boosting stats in my gloves. Maybe make parry a little easier or add some stats that boost you when you evade.
  13. I would love to see some more puzzles and secret areas.
  14. I would like to see an increase of the queue in material processing bench.

Other feedback

  • I love the map and how you can open shortcuts to previously hard to reach location.
  • Difficulty for me is just right.
  • Thanks for shortening the time it take to gather wood and stones
  • I love the option to create new realms and go with my existing character or take a new character into an existing world and skip the story.

That’s all for now as i want to spend more time playing and less time writing.

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More Feedback for Improved Quality of Life and Balance

  1. Weapon Rune Slots: Maintain consistency by ensuring all weapons and offhand items even Enchanted or Cursed one should have four rune slots for enhanced gameplay and flexibility.
  2. Rune Slots for Shields: Introduce rune slots for shields to expand customization options and strategic depth.
  3. Visual Differentiation for Runes: Implement visually distinct runes based on weapon types to streamline identification and enhance player experience.
  4. Stackable Runes: Allow runes to be stackable like gems to reduce inventory clutter and improve organization.
  5. Crafting Convenience: Enable the ability to pull items directly from storage when crafting to streamline the process and save time.
  6. Gem RNG and Stat Ranges: The wide range gem stat have, often lead to frustration due to unpredictable outcomes. To address this, consider narrowing stat ranges, such as adjusting from 5%-30% to 25%-30%, or implementing tier-based stat ranges where higher tiers offer narrower ranges. Tier 1 offer 5%-30% but tier 5 ofer 25%-30%.
    Another option is fixed stat values tied to gem tiers, providing clearer customization and reducing reliance on chance. These adjustments aim to enhance player satisfaction and engagement by providing more consistent and rewarding item enhancements.
  7. Expansion of Gem Variety: Introduce additional gem types to cover a broader range of stats and further diversify gameplay options.
  8. Optimization of Storage Chests: Adjust the size of storage chests, in the house, for better space utilization and convenience. The current 35 slot chest take too much space in the house.
    Provide options for larger storage capacity in player houses to accommodate the growing collection of runes and items. I would like to keep all my runes in a single chest.
  9. Label System for Organization: Implement a label system for items and storage containers to facilitate easy organization and management of inventory, so you can quickly move item from character inventory to storage. I’m not asking to let us create labels just to have a set of labels we can use.
  10. Crucible Experience Enhancement: Improve the Crucible experience by either shortening its duration or introducing checkpoints to offer players more manageable progress and a sense of achievement. Additionally, consider adding mini-bosses or challenging rooms before checkpoints for added excitement and reward.
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Weapon Feedback:

I appreciate the individual attack animations for each weapon, adding depth to combat. However, there are moments when I desire to use a specific animation from a different weapon due to personal preference or aesthetic appeal. For instance, I may prefer the model of a new weapon or the base attack pattern but dislike the sprint attack.


I propose separating the base attack and sprint attack as distinct rune slots. This would allow players to customize their combat experience by mixing and matching attack animations from different weapons to suit their preferences.