Melee attack’s direction doesn’t target on enemy but towards mouse cursor when locking on enemy.
That is to say, there is no difference between lock and no lock. Cursor must always keep traking on enemy to get a accurate hit or you’ll miss all hit.
Hey man, thanks for the report!
We won’t go away from the approach when your attack is directed by your cursor position (for now!), but we wanna make HUD more readeable and do something to that cursor - at a minimum it must not show a simple PC cursor here. So, follow our news)
Hi Nikita, since you are here… I wonderd about one thing, and you might actually able to answer that.
How is the mouse cursor translated into 3D coordinates? Because i have the impression it simply takes the cursor position from the 2D vieport and translates this to a 2D Vector (what would make a lot sense for a controller stick). And (my impression) when the terrain gets a little more 3D, the mouse position and the direction the character looks to are not the same anymore. (Quite noticable when balancing, e.g. that fallen tree in the nameless pass).
Is there some change planned? Like a translation (circle->ellipse / mouse position-> tilted isometric plane) or maybe even a raycast to the terrain?
I am quite curious
Yeah, that’s a known issue as far as i know, and probably something like raycasting it to terrain indeed was discussed earlier, but I’m afraid to be wrong here. I will rerise the issue to discuss, hopefully we manage to find a solution to it as yeah, it is crucial for ranged weapons and ofc balancing
Никита, к Вам можно обращаться на Русском?)
Да, конечно) И кстати пожалуй отображу это на всякий случай в описании профиля
отлично, а то там несколько ошибок в локализации на наш язык, соберу их в кучу, оформлю видео и отправлю тогда сюда к Вам напрямую, описав все нюансы
О, буду очень благодарен за помощь! Только прошу сделайте пожалуйста для этого отдельный тред: все-таки этот посвящен таргет локу. Можете сразу меня там упомянуть
(for english speaking people pls ignore this comment, it is about RU localization)