List of bugs collected

As a software developer, I understand the importance of not having duplicate reports, so apologies for that, but I paid for this game, and did not get paid for the QA.

Many menus do not allow you to “overflow” to the other side. E.g. if you start from position 0, 0 in inventory, pressing left goes to the right side. This behavior is not consistent in other menus such as furnace, crafting or vertical menus where going up at the top should put one at the bottom.

If I speak with an NPC, I get a menu with various options such as Buy or Talk. If I hit buy and go back, the menu will fully close, instead of showing the previous options. Yes, you can go to various sections while in one section, but you can’t, for instance, talk with them without closing the entire menu.

The heal/consumable use action delay is too small. It’s very easy to not be able to use a consumable or heal because you tap it a moment too slow, displaying the item toggle, and you lose your healing opening during a boss fight.

The fall damage feels worse than Dark Souls 2, even after the adjustment.

Sometimes the bounty NPC just won’t acknowledge the confirm input (to either claim or abandon a bounty/challenge).

Being next to a door (very close, e.g. running into your home) that requires a button hit to open, will make the character slide instead.

Sometimes if you are too close to an NPC you can’t interact with it. I think the watcher and lvl 1 blacksmith are examples.

When advancing an NPC’s dialogue, they reset their animation.

Level 3 crafting shack upgrade text is missing a space.

If there are two (not full) stacks of a specific item, there is no way to merge them except storing them in a chest and retrieving them.

Sometimes, an item’s description exceeds the screen height (3440x1440) and there is no scroll functionality to read the entire description.

Craftable items display a 0/MAX durability.

Backstabs are not reliable. Sometimes you press the button while the backstab indicator shows and you do a regular attack.

After beating the “final” boss, I was exploring the construction area and went under the scaffolding. I got stuck in there, walking up the left-most ramp.

When Siren(?) monsters are swimming, they will often not follow the player on land to fight. If killed in water, the loot will be unreachable.

Performing a charged Claymore attack can sometimes push one through doors/walls. Unfortunately I have no examples as it’s hard to reproduce.

Sometimes stacks of breakable objects (barrels/crates) do not render or only render one-two of them. Sometimes it’s a chest at the top floating. When destroyed, they behave correctly.

Sometimes, dashing through a stack of crates (more than one row) will leave one in the 2nd row unbroken.