Bug/Glitch list

Please note that this might have spoilers!

Firstly, congrats on the launch although personally i am disappointed by the way the game performs.

There are a lot of bugs starting with the character creation screen where the sliders for the various customization features jump back and forth or disappear entirely. The hair sliders last position shows a yellow hairstyle regardless of the colour you select.

Also in character creation menu there is nothing in the UI to show which options were selected in terms of hair/eye colour if you go back to a different sub menu…

When selecting the eye/hair/beard colour using the controller it selects it and then reverts to the sub menu instead of staying on the colour and allowing me to move left and right to select another one.

When setting the graphics sometimes the rest of the sliders disappear and only the slider you interact with remains visible.

In general the sliders and the UI elements are clunky, buggy and unresponsive. When using keyboard and mouse the game feels clunky and just bad. I switched to controller and it was better…

I get it that the game is optimized for controller but the K&M experience is horrible. For example there is no exit to main menu button when I press escape. Or at least i couldnt find it because the menu the KM players have is different than the one the controller players have and i really dont understand why.

Would love to know what the yellow toolbox in the bottom right corner of my screen means but when i hover my mouse on it there is no tooltip…

There is also no tooltip for the stats in the character level up screen.

On the boat when you first start the game the waves clip through the boats texture and traverse the front side colliding with the crew.

Npc textures are also clipping sometimes.

Armor textures look low res, faded and blurry even on best quality settings.

The dialogue option when close to npc disappears very fast like the interaction hitbox is very small even though im sitting right next to the npc. Generally the interaction hit boxes are small be it with npcs or gathering.

Consuming food sometimes requires a single tap on the D-pad, other times 2 taps. Which one is it? It seems like there is a input delay.

During combat enemies get stuck if there is an object (barrel, pillar etc) between them and the player. I can simply wait for the enemy to roll its animation then attack without getting damaged.

On the beach if you encounter enemies and run with them to the dead captains body they will proceed to attack his corpse instead of the player.

As i reach the first fire pit on the beach going north of it through what appears to be a crack in the wall (Mariners keep) there are a few enemies. If i make them chase me they wont go past that crack and they just stand there without attacking and i can kill them.

Upon encountering the first enemy that throws fire bombs placing any obstacle between you and him will make him throw the bombs in close proximity and set himself on fire. He then proceeds to execute his animation repeatedly hitting the obstacle and can easily be killed without taking damage.

In general the combat is anything but precision based since you dont need any skill to cheese enemies considering their tracking and collision detection are not working properly. Maybe it gets better as i progress but until now its a bit disappointing and especially noticeable on slower enemies or when you break line of sight.

Last but not least the game performance gets worse and worse the more i play…could be a memory leak…

Will keep updating this the more i play.


THeres also a bug when your talking to vendors where if you hit down on the d pad when you exit the vendor youll use down on the d pad, should be disabled while talking to vendors.

i should clarify that sometimes it just does it without clicking anything, but the only way i can recreate it is to navigate menus using d pad.


A bug happened to me when i discard an common item in my inventory and it deleted another item with the same exact skin and together with common they both gone. It was a yellow item which i tend to keep, very bad bug. Please fix asap

Also i happened to see more gamers complaining about this on discord, so yes its rly bad

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A bug consistently happens when wielding a dagger and a Bow. If you start destroying environments (barrels, woodwork, etc.) the game hard locks. Happened in Sacrament, Mariner’s keep and forest area.

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Hello, today the game freezes after the initial logo screen Moon Studio.

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During playthrough i encountered various situations where the enemies fall through the textures or run into the walls and can no longer be hit or escape.

Sometimes pushing a enemy over the ledge causes no fall damage to said enemy.

When applying fire damage augments to dual wielded daggers the animation is broken. This is replicable on every application.

In IONA’s cave press Y to touch the bloom proceeds to slide instead.

Also in IONA’s cave after touching the bloom, and following the ethereal bridges you reach a mob that throws fireballs located on a mini cliff, as you pass him and follow another ethereal bridge you then have to jump and grab some vines. As you climb the vines 2 enemies await at the top. The character can not climb to the top and gets stuck in an animation loop where he climbs then returns on the vine then climbs again until he falls. This is replicable, it happened to me 10 times already to the point where i think managing to get on top of that platform was pure luck:( The fact that the mobs can hit you even though you dont have the same elevation level as them doesnt help either.

Also there is a typo in the journal at the end of the quest. “…the flower tore through the phrases…” I think it was meant to say “phases” considering the whole dynamic of the quest…

Also in the journal why does the main character refer to itself with “we” instead of “I”…

Approaching the npcs the dialogue prompt is in french all of a sudden…my language was set to english.

A few bugs I found playing today on the ship in the beginning. I’m using an xbox controller and playing in English.
-The number one issue I found was the controller drift. If I let go of the stick my character would keep walking aimlessly. I don’t have this problem on other games.
-Untranslated text on ship in the beginning
-audio cutting out, especially in the first cut scene
-food eating menu button is glitchy and wouldn’t allow me to eat the mushroom soup the first 4 times I tried
-delays in dodging
-orange stamina bar is hard to see as it’s a similar color to the health bar and so much smaller
-Not a glitch, but it would be awesome to have some customization on body type/size instead of just the face

Thank you for all of your hard work!

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cant turn it over


have not seen it here but creating “Small Vial of Poise” has no requirements which leads to an infinite money exploit.

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The input delay is atrocious. Especially in certain aspects its game breaking. I abandoned the weekly challenges by mistake today because of it.

And talking about challenges…i really dont understand why they disappear once abandoned or why they are time gated. I literally have to wait IRL time to progress certain aspects of the game. It feels like a mobile game mechanic and a chore. Its very disappointing to see time gating and predatory player retention mechanics in this game.

Sometimes the game fails to register the xbox controller after it has returned from sleep mode even though it is recognized by the pc. Controller has latest firmware.

Upon exiting Rookery Lodgings through the main market (buildable exit) you get “Missing interaction hint!” marker above the door.

Cerim Cloak that comes with early access doesn’t upgrade… took my mats but the armor value never changes. I enchanted it to a blue… spammed lots of mats before I realized what was going on… thought I was lagging. Sigh…

I also caught this bug. Blocks the progress((