Hi I have spoken to the forum and they have said report it.
I have noticed that when I play. After about 1 hour - 1 hour 30 the game starts to get more buggy.
Character looses target when using electric rune. So its not possible use it as an action.
Rare but some characters after being killed will flip and start spining and then go a little crazy.
Challenges section start to glitch and stutter.
Noise/ music and sound effeects tend to stutter and crackle. Or not happen at all.
NPC’s do not acknowledge that you like literally standing next to them… but you can still kill them.
Game has turned off when using a whisper. The one furthest north of nameless pass near the construction site.
Also on a side note ive noticed that certain enchantments do not seem to work at all. Particularly enemy takes a % damage on damage taken… its really odd because like once in a blue moon it does work.
32 gb ram t-force 2 dims
Rx 7800 xt
Rog b650 e - f mobo
Samsung m.2
Wd black m.2
Win 11
Ummmmmm. I think thats it thats of relevance spec wise.
thanks for reporting. i am sure it would help the team to investigate, if you could follow the instructions here: How to Properly Report Bugs!
and share your logs 
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Hey thanks for the report!
First, as Chemile0n said, can you please send your game files according to the guidelines she sent to you?
Secondly, can please answer several questions?
- In what way the game starts to get more buggy? Is it the bugs you mentioned or something particular happens like performance drop, enemies starting to behave odd or anything additional?
- Can you please specify what electric rune and on what weapon you’ve been using? Also, does the issue occur with all the enemies or some specific like bruisers (large guys with 2h weapons)?
- Can you please more details for “Challenges section start to glitch and stutter”? Like when it happens, if it happens while selecting challenges / accepting or canceling them?
- By NPCs you mean enemies, right? Not NPCs from Sacrament?
- Does the whisper thing happen always on the same whisper or it is random? Also, when does it happen: when you interact, when you exit it, when you try to teleport anywhere? If you teleport, where do you try to teleport?
Thanks in advance for your help