Lack of exp/equipment farming

As much as I like the new crucible changes, I think it was a mistake to remove enemy drops and exp from this mode. The mode gives us some amazing ways to upgrade equipment via the exalting mechanic, but we lost the best source of farming equipment in the game.

Furthermore, the overworld only seems to drop tier II equipment, so it seems exceptionally rare to find tier III weapons now (since crucible was previously the best source for this).

Overall, it feels like 2 steps forward and 2 steps backward. Maybe we could use fallen embers to re-enable crucible drops each run, and the “free” version of the crucible can remain dropless? Embers don’t seem to have much use anymore, so this could be a good sink for them.


I noticed an increase in equip drops on the world though, like a lot, i went nameless pass first instead of the sewers, that makes the game harder and the drops better, sewer should be dangerous after the twins too. I didnt go crucible yet, didnt they add a merchant inside the place that sells better stuff?

I also feel like the crucible should still give at least XP.

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Less rewarding = less fun.
Bring back loot and xp in the crucible.


Make enemies more difficult and spawn a loot chest on every level?

I believe this would make the grind much more fun. Otherwise it’s just a speedrun to level 10 and the just die if you don’t have the gear or skill to beat EK. Then going again to reach level 5 to upgrade stuff.

Developers probably removed the loot and experience to make players go explore the world. There are reasons more than the loot though, like all the materials that can be gathered and story with new areas in the future. Maybe they will add something new too, hopefully.

But now having max level and everything else upgraded to max, makes going through the world and hoping for those specific item’s to drop feel bit of a chore.

I love the new crucible, it’s been so fun, and I will keep playing it more. But a thought keeps popping up and it relates to both XP and with Loot.

I do miss loot from the crucible, and wouldn’t mind if it was brought back somewhat, it doesn’t need to overwhelm you with loot, that was one thing that had me take breaks from the first version of the crucible, because I had to go unload gear. But what could be an interesting system is this:

  1. Bring back XP to the crucbile, but at level cap 30 currently, you still get XP, but each “post level” you get a treasure coffer with some random loot. (maybe perks and boons could even effect the coffer’s loot pool)
  2. Maybe bring back a chest or two across the 10 floors that the player could find and get some rewards.

Just some feedback, thanks for all your hard work.

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My problem with getting no rewards from a Crucible run if you don’t make it to the boss is that it turns the Crucible into a time and money sink, and not in a fun way.

It is entirely possible to use up a bunch of high-level healing items, die four chambers in, and get nothing at all for the whole run.
Having to periodically switch over to another realm to farm for cooking ingredients to replace the healing items you’re using is one more thing that costs you extra time, and the game really does not need more of those right now.

I think it’d work better if you got a chest after clearing each room or something, but at a minimum there should be either cooking ingredients or enough gold to buy them dropping. Right now I feel like there’s a pretty heavy time tax on playing the crucible, and I don’t find that very fun at all.

I’ve pretty much given up on the new update after a day, which sucks, but the lack of rewards and constant drain on resources just make it frustrating to play for me right now.

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would upvote but cant get my votes back :frowning:

My guess is that Moon has version 1 already done but forgot to ship all the other regions so that current crucible makes sense.

Moon, if you’re listening: THIS is still the EA version. You forgot to offset the negatives of getting rid of crucible drops. Maybe next time, take a step back and ask yourself “how can i make a smooth transition from the old version to the new?” You might know the answer :wink:

I had the same issue. I had 270~ votes left and now have 0. Upvoted 54 posts removed 1 didnt get a new vote. Made a post about it here:

Vote System on the Forums

Loot was soo good to have in the crucible.Now u have to grind outside for some gold or food.Back the loot up and stay with these echos too.The idea is great but instantly missed the loot

One other thing about the Crucible changes that makes the no loot/xp look really, really bad is that it now unlocks immediately after reaching the city.

When you do not have the gear, levels or consumables to even get a run to reach EK.

If a new player just follows the quest journal and goes to the Crucible because it’s something that it tells them to do, they’ll just end up in a situation where they will lose tons of consumables and gain absolutely nothing for it.
Why move the unlock to early game if you’re gonna remove all the loot and xp. It just creates an incredibly disheartening experience for a toon that isn’t max lvl.

Personally I like the exp part missing because it allows me to do challenge runs where I can see if I can beat it with a low level character. Where as before I would go up 4+ levels with each attempt.

That being said, the loot does feel super lacking. By the time you beat EK, the loot you’re rewarded with is far less than if you just went running through the open world opening chests. It definitely needs improved.

This is just me throwing out an idea but what if the chest room had more chests and each one cost the yellow orbs to open. Different amounts depending on the chest. Make EK drop say 150 so you can open a few chest if you kill him at all, and you can open a lot more if you beat the run with few or no boons.

Considering that the Crucible is supposed to be endgame content it would make sense that loot doesn’t drop on each floor. As the purpose for the Crucible is not to farm loot. That being said, I do think a nice middle ground could be achieved if certain rooms served a different purpose. So not just a standard clear enemies room, but perhaps a miniboss room with a treasure chest. And, have other random rooms that have the possibility of rewarding loot.

I also doubt the Crucible will be unlocked this early on full release.

yeah but they know its early access… so its kinda werid that they don’t really give you a good way to level and gear up for EK… They just created a part of the game in a vacuum intended to work with the full game, when the full game is years away from releasing…

i’m also curious what will happen with the other statues in atrium, because i hope this version of the crucible won’t be final…

I think it’s fine as it is.

It was far too easy previously, with too many gear drops. If you need XP and loot there is the open world for that. There is also plenty of gear available from NPC vendors which can be upgraded just the same as drops.

I only had like 5 summer sting drops in the entire game and i was lucky that one enchant was somewhat decent…

Best in slot farming was annoying back then and is far worse right now…

I think that white gear scarcity is one if the bigger issues of the game. I also like Summer Sting as a two-handed weapon. And, prefer to use the Crestfallen Knight set. I have farmed these items for 1-2 weeks for several hours a day and have found approximately 5-7 of each - with targeted farming in specific realm states.

We all want to use specific gear and items, whether it is for aesthetics such as visually pleasing armor or mechanics such as a satisfying attack animation on a weapon. (I do wish Summer Sting didn’t have that pose at the end of the attack chain, it locks you in position…).

One of the suggestions I made a while back was the Deconstructing of gear. Basically, if you find a specific item, you can deconstruct an item for the recipe so you can endlessly craft it - provided you have the required resources. Removing the grind for farming the item and instead we can farm more resources; which is easier.

Full post here: Suggestion: Deconstruct, Dismantle & Disenchant Gear

The post did get reviewed by the devs so I have my hopes up for some changes solving this issue in the future.

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Damn deconstructing would be lit af

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With regards to the Crucible, I don’t necessarily think that exp / loot farming needs to be added back in, but currently the rewards just aren’t commensurate with the difficulty at all. The grind for exalted gear doesn’t really seem worth the hassle, and every run I’ve had so far has just felt like a sink for consumables.

If the Crucible is intended as an endgame challenge, I think it needs some suitably juicy endgame rewards to chase, and I don’t think that stat-respec or grinding for exalted gear really hit that mark.

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I’m Italian and i will write in italian, couse i think that the best way to express my feedback/suggestions is undoubtly in my first language. I trust that a great company, as moon studios, will be able to translate my feedback in the best possible way.
Vorrei portare alla luce principalmente due problematiche che sto evidenziando nel gioco durante questo early access. In primis credo che dopo l’aggiunta della nuova versione del crucible, c è un grosso problema nel reperire nuove armi e armature. Difatti, se prima bastava farsi una decina di crucible vecchi per avere un bel bottino di armi e armature di tier 3 da incantare o infondere per creare la tua build. Adesso invece, devi affidarti al loot presente nelle aree della storia, quindi per lo più fogne e passo innominato, con la differenza che il drop è molto più basso e quindi c’è una maggiore difficoltà nel trovare nuovi equipaggiamenti. Credo che bisogna trovare una soluzione per permettere un loot più veloce e soddisfacente. Magari inserendo una modalità al crogiolo per il loot.
Una seconda problematica è dettata dal fatto che c’è poca spiegazione in relazione alle rune, nello specifico credo che dovrebbe essere implementata la descrizione dell’effetto di ogni runa e soprattutto andare ad inserire tutta una serie di dati parametrici, come per esempio i danni e lo scaling a seguito del miglioramento dell’arma dal fabbro.
Infine sarebbe carino trovare una soluzione per poter spostare a piacimento perk da un’arma ad un’altra magari utilizzando una risorsa non facile da reperire in game. In questo modo, una volta che incanto un arma o un armatura, posso tenere quello che mi piace e sostituire solo i perk che non vanno bene (Ovviamente per le armi/armature viola non puoi togliere quello negativo così da mantenerlo)